
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Governance, Culture & Learning Unit
Fischer Sivertsen
PhD, cand.scient.soc

Room: POR/18.B-4.130
, Mobile:
+45 21857511

I am a political sociologist specializing in the intersection of elite studies, civil society research, and relational sociology. My research primarily focuses on issues of power, legitimacy, ideology, morality, inequality, and democracy—topics I delve into as a postdoc in the “Moralities” project, led by PI Anders Sevelsted.

Methodologically, I employ a range of quantitative techniques, including multiple correspondence analysis, social network analysis, and sequence analysis, alongside machine learning approaches such as topic modeling. Additionally, my experience as a research assistant has allowed me to work extensively with qualitative methods, including interviews and discourse analysis.

My PhD dissertation from Roskilde University explored themes of inequality, democracy, and media use through a field sociological prism.

Primary research areas
  • Democracy and civil society studies    
  • Elite studies
  • Social stratification
  • Media studies
  • Quantitative methods
Curriculum Vitae
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Publications sorted by:
Morten Fischer Sivertsen / Taste on Facebook : Revisiting the Omnivore-univore Hypothesis Using Digital Trace Data.
In: Poetics, Vol. 109, 4.2025
Journal article > peer review
Sine Nørholm Just; Mikkeline Sofie Skjerning Thomsen; Sarah Steinitz; Morten Fischer Sivertsen / Danskernes deltagelse i digital debat : Er online fora danskernes nye medborgerhuse?.
WWW : Magtudredningen 2024, 10 p.
Majsa Stina Grosen; Morten Fischer Sivertsen; Jannie Møller Hartley / Digital Media Revolution and Stratificational Inertia : A Historical Study of Media Usage and Sociopolitical Stratification in the Age of Social Media.
In: Poetics, Vol. 107, 12.2024
Journal article > peer review
Sine Nørholm Just; Morten Fischer Sivertsen; Sian Lewin / Open for Business : The Discursive Diffusion of Regulatory Sandboxes for Fintech Innovation.
In: Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2024, p. 360–378
Journal article > peer review
Christoph Ellersgaard; Anton Grau Larsen; Morten Fischer Sivertsen; Anne Nørgaard Christensen; Jacob Lunding / Protégés of Power : Patrimonialism in Mobility Narratives of the Danish Power Elite.
In: Socio-Economic Review, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2024, p. 29-60
Journal article > peer review
David Mathieu; Morten Fischer Sivertsen / Forskere advarer mod Facebooks nye tiltag : Endelig har Meta bekendt kulør og sat en pris på vores privatliv.
In: Berlingske, 2023, 2 p., p. 20-21
Jannie Møller Hartley; Mette Bengtsson; Anna Schjøtt Hansen; Morten Fischer Sivertsen / Researching Publics in Datafied Societies : Insights From Four Approaches to the Concept of ‘Publics’ and a (Hybrid) Research Agenda.
In: New Media & Society, Vol. 25, No. 7, 7.2023, p. 1668-1686
Journal article > peer review
Morten Fischer Sivertsen; Jannie Møller Hartley / Stratified Citizens : Conceptualizing Civic Capital in Mediatized Societies.
In: Social Media + Society, Vol. 9, No. 3, 7.2023
Journal article > peer review
Morten Fischer Sivertsen / Stratified Public Connections : Beyond the Taste for News?.
In: Journalism Studies, 4.6.2023
Journal article > peer review
Morten Fischer Sivertsen; Mikkeline Sofie Skjerning Thomsen / Stratified Public Formation in Mundane Settings
In: DataPublics: The Construction of Publics in Datafied Democracies. . ed. / Jannie Møller Hartley; Jannick Kirk Sørensen; David Mathieu. Bristol : Bristol University Press 2023, p. 72-95
Book chapter > peer review
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