Department of Business Humanities and Law
- Governance, Culture & Learning Unit

My research centers on organizational atmospheres, sensory learning and neo-phenomenology. I’m engaged with emerging research agenda’s in organization studies addressing aesthetic, affective and spatial approaches to thinking organization by building on a cross disciplinary research focus including inspiration from human geography, art, philosophy, architecture, and urban planning. A special interest concerns the methodological aspect of researching and accounting for relational phenomena, like organizational atmospheres.
- Organizational atmosphere
- Contemporary social theory and method
- Neo and post phenomenology
- Architecture, performance and aesthetics
- Innovation, creativity and learning
- Qualitative Methods, at Bsc HA SOC, CBS
- Ledelse under forandring (Changes in Leadership) Msc Cand. Merc., CBS
- Theories of Contemporary Society II, at Bsc HA SOC, CBS
Supervision in areas such as organizational aesthetics, public innovation, social and political theory, qualitative methods, embodiment and affect, phenomenology, creativity, creative industries and architecture.
- Reflexive Leadership, GEMBA & EMBA, CBS
Jørgensen, L. and Holt, R. (2019), ’ Organization, atmosphere, and digital technologies: Designing sensory order.’ In Organization 26(5): 673-695 (BFI 2), 2019
Jørgensen, L. ’Moving Organizational Atmospheres’ CBS, Copenhagen, PhD thesis, 2019
Jørgensen, L. and Borch, C. (2018), ’Arkitektur og Politik: Atmosfæriske refleksioner ud fra Böhme og Sloterdijk’, in Politik 21(2): 7-21 (BFI 1), 2018
Jørgensen, L. ’Performing Organizational Atmosphere – an ontology of the in-between’, at AoMO Conference, Sept. 2018, Brighton University, Brighton
Jørgensen, L.’The Theatrical in Organizational Atmosphere’, at the International Ambience Network conference ’ Staging Atmospheres’, Dec. 2017, Queen Mary University, London
Jørgensen, L. ’Organizational Atmosphere – the materiality of quasi-things’, at EGOS, July 2017, CBS, Copenhagen.
In: Perspektiver på Peter Sloterdijk: En antologi. . ed. /Erik Sporon Fiedler; Ulrik Houlind Rasmussen. Frederiksberg : Eksistensen 2024, p. 23-48
In: The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies. ed. /François-Xavier de Vaujany; Jeremy Aroles; Mar Perézts. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2023, p. 602-621 (Oxford Handbooks)
In: Organization Theory, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2023
Abstract from The 38th Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, 2021
Paper presented at 36th EGOS Colloquium 2020, 2020
In: Ambiances, No. 6, 2020
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2019, 307 p. (Ph.d. Serie, No. 25.2019)
In: Organization, Vol. 26, No. 5, 9.2019, p. 673-695
In: Politik, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2018, p. 7-21
Paper presented at The Art of Management & Organization Conference. AoMO 2018, 2018
Paper presented at Affective Spaces II, 2017
Abstract from Staging Atmospheres, 2017
Paris : Organisation for Economic Cooporation and Development, OECD 2007, 176 p. (Cutting Red Tape)
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