
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • CBS Law
Lars Juel
Teaching associate professor

Room: POR/18.B-1.127
E-mail: lja.bhl@cbs.dk
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Lars Juel Andersen is a trained lawyer, psychologist, and he holds a graduate diploma in organisation, a one-year degree in adult pedagogy and has finished two courses in university pedagogy. Lars also holds a lawyer's licence and has taught at various higher education institutions since 1997 and at CBS since 2000 on several different legal subjects, including commercial law, labor law, IT law, EU law, international law and advanced commercial law.

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Selected publications

Christian La Cour og Lars Juel Andersen, Introduktion til dansk arbejdsret - Samspillet imellem den kollektive og den individuelle arbejdsret og imellem de forskellige regelsæt på arbejdsmarkedet, 3. udgave, Hans Reitzels Forlag, København 2019

Lars Juel Andersen og Erik Simonsen, Pengeinstitutters modregningsadgang i forbrugerens indlån: en oversigt og analyse. Kreditgivers oplysningspligt i forbrugerkreditaftaler, Justitia, 4/14, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 1991 

Academic Interests
Labour law
Ordinary business law/property law
Psychosocial work environments