
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • CBS Law

Room: POR/18.B-1.140b
E-mail: kos.bhl@cbs.dk
Kim Østergaard

Kim Østergaard’s research mostly concerns strategic contracting in close collaboration with Professor Bent Petersen from the Department of International Economics, Government and Business at CBS. Strategic contracting is based on whether theories of economics can be instrumental in qualifying the content of the basis of contract for the purposes of each parties’ interest in maintaining the competitive advantages and, if possible, relational interest, as it is described in economic theory.

Strategic contracting is based on a principle of fairness and repeated games. Strategic contracting is a developing theoretical framework in the sense that it now also includes the perspective of the global value chain primarily as a result of the acts from the EU, which influence and will continue influence the demand for sustainability across the value chains in the future. Thus, they demand an increased use of collaboration in regard to innovation, sharing of profits, exchange of strategic information etc.

Kim Østergaard is also part of the Nordic Research Lab for Climate Law and Economics.

Primary research areas
  • Strategic Contracting
  • Law of Obligations
  • Healthcare Law
  • Climate Law
Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage
  • Advanced Law of Obligations (videregående obligationsret)
  • Strategic contracting (strategisk kontrahering) 
  • Strategic use of health data (strategisk anvendelse af sundhedsdata)

Videregående obligationsret

Strategisk kontrahering

Strategisk anvendelse af sundhedsdata

  • Master theses
  • PhD Supervision
  • Assistant Professors
Publications sorted by:
Christian Frier; Kim Østergaard / The Role of Industry Self-regulation in International Maritime Law
In: The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A System of Regulation. . ed. /Kristina Siig; Birgit Feldtmann; Fenella M.W. Billing. Abingdon : Routledge 2024, p. 203-222 (Globalization: Law And Policy)
Book chapter > peer review
Kent Kristensen; Charlotte Bagger Tranberg; Kim Østergaard / 'Forskningssamarbejder og databehandleraftaler
In: Persondata og forskning. ed. /Kent Kristensen. København : Djøf Forlag 2022, p. 431–452
Book chapter > peer review
Marie-Louise Holle; Vishv Priya Kohli; Kim Østergaard / Bøder og erstatningsansvar
In: Persondata og forskning. ed. /Kent Kristensen. København : Djøf Forlag 2022, p. 663-684
Book chapter > peer review
Marie Jull Sørensen ; Kim Østergaard / Tourism in Denmark
In: Tourism Law in Europe. ed. /Carlos Torres; F. Javier Megosa Arcos; Laurence Jégouzo; Vincenzo Franceschelli; Franceszo Morandi. Estoril : ESHTE 2022, p. 127-146
Book chapter
Vishv Priya Kohli; Marie-Louise Holle; Kim Østergaard / Udveksling af data med udenlandske aktører
In: Persondata og forskning. ed. /Kent Kristensen. København : Djøf Forlag 2022, p. 527-544
Book chapter > peer review
Catrine Ekdahl; Malene Hindkjær Henriksen; Caroline Thrane-Møller; Bent Petersen; Kim Østergaard / Værdiskabende relationer : Contract management og strategisk kontrahering.
København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2022, 258 p.
Book > peer review
Birgit Feldtmann; Kim Østergaard; Hanna Barbara Rasmussen / Cruise Ships in Greenlandic Waters : Legal Prophylaxis and Preparedness at the Intersection of the Law of the Sea and Real Life.
In: SIMPLY, Vol. 2019, No. MarIus 535, 2020, p. 81-109
Journal article > peer review
Kim Østergaard; Bent Petersen / The Application of Hardship and Gain Provisions in Strategic Contracting
In: Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, 5.3.2020
Journal article > peer review
Christian Frier; Kim Østergaard / The Polar Code’s Suitability as Legal Protection Against Negative Externalities in the Arctic as Part of the Polar Silk Road?
In: The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Challenges and Opportunities for Asia and Europe. . ed. /Keyuan Zou; Shicun Wu; Qiang Ye. Abingdon : Routledge 2020, p. 116-129 (Contemporary Issues in the South China Sea)
Book chapter > peer review
Kim Østergaard; Christian Frier / When Is a Contract Considered Unreasonable according to Danish Law? : The Application of Section 36 Through 45 Years of Case Law.
In: European Review of Private Law, Vol. 28, No. 3, 9.2020, p. 555-575
Journal article > peer review
More results... (total 91 results)
Outside activities
  • Nordisk Kollegium, from 2006, Chariman of the Board appointed by DI
  • Appointed censor within the Danish M.Sc. in law programme, from 2018, Censorship