
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership Unit
PhD fellow

Room: POR/18.B-4.146
E-mail: cj.bhl@cbs.dk
Christina Juhlin

My research is interdisciplinary and draws on organisation studies, urban sociology, and cultural theory. I am currently coordinating the BHL research group Social and Technological Venturing.

In my PhD titled ‘The Management of the Meantime’ I studied the aestheticization of the city through temporary use of space and culture, a strategy also known as temporary urbanism. The thesis draws on organization studies of time and affect to show how the temporary works as a pervasive temporal order that reorganizes how we feel about, attach to and engage in the places in which we live or work. The findings extend beyond the case study of urban transformation in a post-industrial site in Copenhagen (Refshaleøen) to the politics of time management in the aesthetic economy and in temporary forms of organizing and working.

In my current research project KLIMA-DEL, funded by Velux HumPraxis with Professor Sine N. Just as PI, we study how new forms of democratic participation form out of emotions such as despair, hope, political apathy, and other reactions to climate change. I work with Klimabevægelsen and DemocracyX to understand the changing landscape of democratic participation in climate politics, focusing on the tensions between the political wish to involve citizens in climate politics and citizens’ self-organized and everyday forms of climate participation.

Primary research areas
  • Urban space and development
  • Politics of emotions in climate change
  • Democracy and urban planning
  • Politics of time and time management
Link to this homepage




 I supervise projects related to:

  • The aesthetic economy and culture
  • Political theory
  • Climage change and governance
  • Qualitative methods and practice-based research
  • Urban planning and urban space
  • Social movements and activism

 I am very open to including student projects in my ongoing research project KLIMA-DEL.


Publications sorted by:
Christina Juhlin / Management of the Meantime : The Senses, Attachments, and Time in the Aesthetic City.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2024, 172 p. (PhD Series, No. 28.2024)
PhD thesis
Cecilie Sachs Olsen; Christina Juhlin / Architecture and Urban Studies : An Awkward Kinship.
In: Nordic Journal of Urban Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2022, 7 p., p. 101-107
Editorial > peer review
Christina Juhlin; Kristine Samson / Performative Urbanism: Mapping Embodied Vision
In: Performing Institutions: Contested Sites and Structures of Care. . ed. /Anja Mølle Lindelof; Shauna Janssen. Bristol : Intellect 2022, p. 131-149
Book chapter > peer review
Christina Juhlin / Social Bricks : An Interview about the Social Foundations of Architecture.
In: Nordic Journal of Urban Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2022, p. 171–177
Comment/debate > peer review
Christina Juhlin; Robin Holt / The Sensory Imperative
In: Management Learning, Vol. 53, No. 4, 9.2022, p. 640-651
Journal article > peer review
Cecilie Sachs Olsen; Christina Louise Zaff Juhlin / How to Engage Reflexively with Messy Presents and Potential Futures : An Audio Walk for Planners.
In: Planning Theory & Practice, Vol. 22, No. 4, 9.2021, p. 595-609
Journal article > peer review