Department of Accounting
- Center for Corporate Governance
- Centre for Owner-Managed Businesses

Casper Berg Lavmand Larsen is Assistant Professor at Center for Corporate Governance, Copenhagen Business School. With a background in Economics and Philosophy, his research focuses on contemporary governance topics including workers' rights and participation in corporate decision-making, stakeholder management, diversity in top management, and topics related to sustainability/ESG.
Currently, Casper leads a research project on worker participation funded by ROCKWOOL Foundation Berlin and a project on the new CSRD EU-taxonomy in collaboration with Axcelfuture.
1. Worker participation
2. Corporate governance
3. Sustainability/ESG
4. Stakeholder management
5. Diversity in top management
- Corporate Governance
- Principles of Corporate Finance
Bachelor's and master's theses
Larsen, C. (2022). Workers’ Capability for Voice and Board-Level Worker Representation (BLWR) Contingencies. Paper published as part of PhD dissertation titled “A Worker-Centered Inquiry into the Contingencies and Consequences of Worker Representation”, Copenhagen Business School 2022.
Chevrot-Bianco, E. and Larsen, C. (2022). Worker Representation and Job Quality. Paper published as part of PhD dissertation titled “A Worker-Centered Inquiry into the Contingencies and Consequences of Worker Representation”, Copenhagen Business School 2022.
Gregorič, A., Kato, T., and Larsen, C. (2022). Participatory Practices and External Hires to Managerial Positions. Paper published as part of PhD dissertation titled “A Worker-Centered Inquiry into the Contingencies and Consequences of Worker Representation”, Copenhagen Business School 2022.
Bonn : IZA 2024, 45 p. (IZA Discussion Paper, No. 17304)
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2022, 207 p. (PhD Series, No. 38.2022)
Frederiksberg : Center for Ejerledede Virksomheder. Copenhagen Business School 2019, 50 p.
Frederiksberg : Center for Ejerledede Virksomheder. Copenhagen Business School 2019, 64 p.
In: Berlingske, 22.7.2024, p. 12
In: Berlingske, 25.9.2023, p. 20-21
In: Information, 20.12.2023, p. 18