Presentation and academic fields
I have 12+ years of experience in the field of Auditing and Accounting. Initially in Big 4 as external auditor and since in Group Accounting at A.P. Møller Maersk.
Today I work in accounting, responsible for segment reporting in compliance with IFRS.
I have a wide range of experiences in the field of Auditing and Accounting, including IFRS and ÅRL, external reporting, M&A, group audits, going concern and more.
Pedagogical experience/method skills/supervision
I have been teaching since 2015, initially internally at EY followed by teaching at CBS (Cand.merc.aud and HA).
I have broad knowledge in accounting for both IFRS and Årsregnskabsloven. Furthermore, I have extensive knowledge of auditing.
Supervising HD and cand.merc.aud thesis.
External link