| Al Comparison and Reference Selection in Organizations | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Public (International) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Visiting Professorship Kalle Lyytinen | Department of Digitalization | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Visiting Professorship - Vinit Parida | Department of Operations Management | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Visiting Professorship - Steven Dexter Brown | Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Visiting Professorship - Stine Grodal | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Visiting Professorship Timothy R. Kuhn | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Visiting Professorship - Peter C. Young | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Visiting Professorship - Lourdes Sosa | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Visiting Professorship - Juliana Sutanto | Department of Digitalization | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Visiting Professorship - Elena Giovannoni | Department of Operations Management | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Visiting Professorship - Hannu Tapio Kärkkäinen | Department of Digitalization | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Visiting Professorship - Moacir Miranda de Olivera | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Accelerating the energy transition at sea and on land: Ports as Hubs | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (National) | Finished | 01-11-2022 |
| Mitigating diversity barriers in growth potential and promotability of employees | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (National) | Finished | 01-11-2022 |
DWARC | Dealing with a Resurgent China | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | EU | Running | 01-11-2022 |
VCOMP | Generating Voluntary Compliance Across Doctrines and Nations: Interlocking the Behavioral and Regulatory Aspects of Governments’ Ability to Trust Public' Cooperation, Ethicality and Compliance | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Public Sector Practices and Performances | Department of Economics | Private (National) | Finished | 01-11-2022 |
| Postdoc position - Albina Dioba | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (International) | Finished | 07-11-2022 |
| Research assistant position - Serhii Prokopenko | Department of Management, Society and Communication | | Finished | 07-11-2022 |
| ICIS 2022: International Conference on Information Systems | Department of Digitalization | Private (National) | Finished | 01-12-2022 |
P2Green | Closing the gap between fork and farm for circular nutrient flows | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-12-2022 |
| Ældres formuer, ulighed og køn | Department of Economics | Private (National) | Running | 01-12-2022 |
| Paper-aThon in Digitization | Department of Digitalization | Private (National) | Finished | 10-12-2022 |
| The International Conference on Information Systems | Department of Digitalization | Private (National) | Finished | 11-12-2022 |
| Permahaven: Læring om bæredygtighed i fællesskab | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (National) | Finished | 14-12-2022 |
| Center for Big Finance Data | Department of Finance | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2023 |
PatientEntrepreneur | Patient Innovation Bootcamp: Boosting Patient Entrepreneurship | Department of Strategy and Innovation | EU | Running | 01-01-2023 |
GLOBALVALUE | Global Value Chain Law: Constituting Connectivity, Contracts and Corporations | Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy | EU | Running | 01-01-2023 |
INJORG | Social Injustice and Workplace Behavior: How #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo and Islamist terrorist attacks Shape Cooperation in Organizations | Department of Strategy and Innovation | EU | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| Tycoon Candidates: Why Wealthy Business Candidates Get Elected for Office and How it Matters | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2023 |