| Center for Big Finance Data | Department of Finance | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| CCUS | Department of Economics | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2022 |
PAINT | Multilevel Pathways for Integrating Marginalized Groups | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (National) | Running | 01-07-2022 |
TREEADS (former DRYADS) | A Holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental Disasters | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-12-2021 |
| Investigating the distinctive features and resilience of human resource management in the Nordic countries: A longitudinal and cross-national study | Department of Organization | Public (International) | Running | 01-01-2022 |
| Unpacking the contention between openness and security in the Nordic region: Digital public surveillance practices at three state borders. | Department of Organization | Public (International) | Running | 01-01-2022 |
| Managing organizations at night as a 'state of exception' | Department of Operations Management | Public (International) | Running | 01-01-2022 |
PatientEntrepreneur | Patient Innovation Bootcamp: Boosting Patient Entrepreneurship | Department of Strategy and Innovation | EU | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| Balancing Boundary Tensions in Corporate Sustainability Work | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2022 |
GLOBALVALUE | Global Value Chain Law: Constituting Connectivity, Contracts and Corporations | Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy | EU | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| Bylivets Sorte Omstilling | Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy | Private (National) | Running | 18-05-2022 |
TWINSEEDS | Towards a World Integrated and Socio-economically Balanced European Economic Development Scenario | Department of Strategy and Innovation | EU | Running | 01-10-2022 |
INJORG | Social Injustice and Workplace Behavior: How #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo and Islamist terrorist attacks Shape Cooperation in Organizations | Department of Strategy and Innovation | EU | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| What is coolness and how can we create it? Understanding coolness and its important implications for business and society | Department of Marketing | Private (National) | Running | 01-07-2022 |
| Corporate Subjects: An Intellectual History of the Corporation | Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy | Private (National) | Running | 01-08-2022 |
| Tycoon Candidates: Why Wealthy Business Candidates Get Elected for Office and How it Matters | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2023 |
HEPHAESTUS | Heritage in EuroPe: new techHologies in crAft for prEserving and innovaTing fUtureS | Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy | EU | Running | 01-04-2023 |
| Nordic Network on Energy System Integration and Sustainable Transport | Department of Economics | Public (International) | Running | 01-01-2022 |
CLONE | Consequences of Long-term OrgaNizational Embeddedness | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Running | 21-06-2022 |
EDDIE | European Distributed Data Infrastructure for Energy | Department of Economics | EU | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| Peace Positive Private Sector Development in Africa | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | Public (International) | Running | 01-01-2022 |
| Driving Digital Transformation with Organizational Development and Change Practices | Department of Digitalization | Public (National) | Running | 01-09-2022 |
P2Green | Closing the gap between fork and farm for circular nutrient flows | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-12-2022 |
WENDY | Multicriteria analysis of the technical, environmental and social factors triggering the PIMBY principle for Wind technologies | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-10-2022 |
DWARC | Dealing with a Resurgent China | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | EU | Running | 01-11-2022 |
VCOMP | Generating Voluntary Compliance Across Doctrines and Nations: Interlocking the Behavioral and Regulatory Aspects of Governments’ Ability to Trust Public' Cooperation, Ethicality and Compliance | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-11-2022 |
| Organisering af samarbejde mellem grundskoler og erhvervsliv i Danmark | Department of Organization | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| Cirkulær beton - Udvikling af teknologi til 100% reel genanvendelse af nedrivningsbeton i ny cement og beton | Department of Marketing | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| Svängdörrar till näringslivet? En rättssociologisk studie om övergångar från toppen av stat och region till näringslivet och dess reglering | Department of Organization | Public (International) | Running | 01-01-2022 |
DALOSS | Data loss: the politics of disappearance, destruction and dispossession in digital societies | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-04-2023 |