Easy access to Statistics

Database of the Month: Statista. Find statistics for your papers or satisfy your curiosity. Statista contains statistics from more than 22.000 sources around the world and covers more than 170 industries. And is easy to use - try it out.


Every month we focus on one particular database. This month it is the brilliant statistical database Statista. It contains statistics from more than 22.000 sources around the world and covers more than 170 industries.

Why use Statista?

Use Statista for anything ranging from who has the most followers on Instagram to which are the top 100 largest companies by market value. Or for example data on how consumers behave or in-depth reports on the FinTech industry.

If you have searched for statistics before you have probably experienced that it is often difficult and require almost expert knowledge just to navigate statistical databases.
Statista has made it their mission to make finding useful statistics easy and intuitive.

You can find graphs, illustrations, and ready-to-use infographics. But what is really useful is the many dossiers, surveys and reports made by Statista. They are all compilations of data from a variety of sources on a specific topic. Examples of dossiers are Social Media Usage Worldwide, Container Shipping or even Global Economy.

If you have a subject, Statista most likely have some statistics you can use.

Get a quick introduction

16 November 2018, 9:00-9:30 CBS Library Solbjerg Plads Lecture Room 2nd floor (no registration)

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The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 04/05/2019