Addresses and opening hours

You will find CBS Library in 3 different locations in Frederiksberg. If you are looking for print materials or wish to talk to a member of staff please visit the Solbjerg Plads branch. Dalgas Have and Graduate House branches are all reading rooms and access is for CBS students only.

Solbjerg Plads 3 - Library and Reading Room


Open for all users

Open for
CBS students
and staff*

Staff available Phone
Monday - Thursday 7:30-18:00 24/7 9:00-18:00 9:00-16:00
Friday 7:30-18:00 24/7 9:00-16:00 9:00-16:00
Saturday 8:00-18:00 24/7 10:00-16:00** Closed
Sunday / public holidays 8:00-18:00 24/7

No staff


*24/7 access after 23:00 on weekdays and 22:00 on weekends with a student ID card through the night entrance except in July when it is closed.

**no staff available on the following Saturdays in 2024: all Saturdays in January, 30 March, 18 May, all Saturdays in June, July and August, 21 and 28 December.


Graduate House - H.V. Nyholms Vej 21 Reading rooms

Monday - Friday 

24/7 with a student ID card

Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays Closed


Dalgas Have 15, 2nd floor



Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays Closed


Postal address

CBS Library
Solbjerg Plads 3
DK-2000 Frederiksberg

The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 04/02/2024