| Konferencebidrag - "The Gender Conference, 2024" | Department of Business Humanities and Law | Private (National) | Finished | 01-09-2024 |
CoDeF | Consumer Demand Flexibility in Electricity Use | Department of Economics | EU | Running | 01-09-2024 |
TealHelix | Building Resilience Through Inclusive and Personalized Food Labeling | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-09-2024 |
| Skolförebilder för teknikutbildning och entreprenörskap på landsbygden: en skalbar interventionsstudie | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (International) | Running | 01-09-2024 |
| Green Threads: Enhancing Sustainability in India's Textile Recycling Clusters | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 12-09-2024 |
| Travel Stay - Monash University | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Running | 13-09-2024 |
| Foreign visiting professorship - Klaus E. Meyer | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (National) | Finished | 01-10-2024 |
| Corporate Lobbying in the Long Run: Research Stay at Princeton University, USA | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | Public (National) | Running | 01-10-2024 |
SEIZMIC | Scaling Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Zooming in on Multidisciplinary Interconnected Challenges | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-10-2024 |
| Analyse af den danske universitetssektors styrings- og finansieringsstruktur | Department of Accounting | Public (National) | Finished | 01-10-2024 |
| Conference - Corporate ESG disclosure and greenwashing | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | Private (National) | Finished | 01-10-2024 |
| Funding Strategies and Reapplication Behavior | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (National) | Running | 01-10-2024 |
| Konferencebidrag "The Gender Conference 2024" | Department of Business Humanities and Law | Private (National) | Running | 15-10-2024 |
| Climate movements, platforms, and trajectories of in/visibility | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (International) | Running | 28-10-2024 |
| Challenging Party and Sex Tourism Images: Case Studies from Manila and Bali | Department of Marketing | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2024 |
| Kunstige kompositioner - hvad sker der med det autentiske og det auratiske når AI interagerer med original kunst? | Department of Digitalization | Private (National) | Finished | 01-11-2024 |
| Entrepreneurship development | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (International) | Running | 01-11-2024 |
| Research Stay Australia 2024-2025 | Department of Business Humanities and Law | Public (National) | Running | 01-11-2024 |
| De Danske Cybermesterskaber 2025-2027 | Department of Digitalization | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2024 |
| Research insights on AI driven digital transformation | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2024 |
IDEAL4GREEN | Building decentralIsed, DistributEd And Local micro-Grids for dEcarbonisation Electrification challeNge | | EU | Running | 01-01-2025 |
CIR4FUN | Advancing European Industrial Sustainability and Competitiveness through Circular Design Strategies, Digital Product Passports, and Sustainable Product-Service Systems in the Furniture Sector | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-01-2025 |
| Durable and non-durable consumption and house-price shocks | Department of Economics | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2025 |
| Ukraines Politiske Økonomi: Oligarkers og Virksomheders Politiske Indflydelse før og under Krigen | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2025 |
| Six-month research stay at Monash University, Australia | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Running | 01-01-2025 |
VISION4FOOD | Envisioning an integrated quadruple helix and RRI framework for food system transformation and regional innovation ecosystem enhancement | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-01-2025 |
POTENT | Ports as Energy Transition Hubs | Department of Economics | EU | Running | 01-01-2025 |
CREAITE | Transformative Technologies, Creativity, and Value Creation in the Cultural Sector | Department of Business Humanities and Law | Public (International) | Running | 01-01-2025 |
| Uncovering the origins and evolution of behavioral biases | Department of Economics | Private (National) | Running | 01-01-2025 |
| Documenting Workplace Inequality using Linked-Employer-Employee data | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Running | 01-01-2025 |