Alphabetical list

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W | Y | Ø

Watch Medier

Current Danish news on a variety of industries. Watch Medier delivers industry-oriented news on individual sites but from this platform, you can search across all their news sites.
Campus + remote access

Web of Science

Who is citing whom? Use this database to identify article inter-connectedness based on references and citations.
Campus + remote access

Westlaw International

Extensive collection of legal information covering US, UK, EU, Australia, Hong Kong, and Canada legislation and case law as well as international law.
Campus + remote access

Westlaw UK

Extensive collection of legal information pertaining to the United Kingdom
Campus + remote access

Wiley StatsRef

A comprehensive reference resource that covers the fundamentals of statistical methodology and theory as well as applications of statistics in all fields
Campus + remote access

Wittgensteins Nachlass

The Wittgensteins Nachlass collection includes all of Ludwig Wittgenstein's unpublished manuscripts, typescripts, dictations, and most of his notebooks.
Campus + remote access

World Bank Data

This data portal provides access to global economic and development series, including World Development Indicators and International Debt Statistics
Free access

WRDS - Wharton Research Data Services

WRDS provides access to financial data, accounting figures as well as banking and management information. CBS students and staff must register to get access.
Campus + remote access - (registration needed for access)

WTO Stats

The WTO Stats contains statistical indicators and time series data covering merchandise trade and trade in services statistics, market access indicators (bound, applied & preferential tariffs), non-tariff information as well as other indicators.
Free access