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EBSCOhost cross-database searching

Search across EBSCOhost databases, e.g. Business Source Ultimate, Communication and Mass Media Complete, and SocINDEX. Handy if you are unsure of which database is the best for the subject at hand.
Campus + remote access


Articles on economics issues such as capital markets, econometrics, forecasting, etc.
Campus + remote access

The Economist comprises the print version of The Economist. Select "Current Edition" for access to the latest issue. The Economist covers politics, current affairs, as well as all aspects of world business and trade.
Campus + remote access


Extensive collection of working papers on economics from a wide range of universities and organisations.
Free access


U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission database of companies containing all mandatory company filings, including annual reports of all listed American companies (so-called 10-K) and US-listed non-American companies (20-F).
Free access

EIU Viewpoint

Covering 203 countries, EIU Viewpoint provides analyses of economic conditions, the business environment, key industry sectors, supply and demand for major commodities, and coverage of global macroeconomic trends. EIU is Economist Intelligence Unit.
Campus + remote access

Elgar Online

Edward Elgar Publishing e-books on business economics and management, economics, law, environment, geography and tourism, and the social sciences.
Campus + remote access

Emerald Insight

Articles, e-books, and cases on management, marketing, communication, logistics, quality control, human resource management etc.
Campus + remote access


Country, company, and industry information covering emerging markets.
Campus + remote access

Encyclopedia of Global Brands

Case-like descriptions of 270 brands, including information about how it came about, how it was launched, and it's current position. Find information on brand identity, brand awareness, brand outlook, and much more.
Campus + remote access


News about energy companies, oil, gas and renewable energy, cleantech, energy policy, and markets.
Campus + VPN

Essential Science Indicator

Analytical tool for measuring and comparing the impact/performance of individuals, institutions (i.e. universities), countries, and journals across 22 scientific fields.
Campus + remote access


European Union treaties and legal documents, including references to relevant documents, rulings, and literature. NB! Remote access via Karnov Online for CBS Students - follow the link to
Campus + remote access


European Union legal database of current legislation, the EU official journal, treaties, international agreements, case law etc.
Free access

European Sources Online - ESO

Qualified information on European Union legislation, institutions, and political activity as well as on European countries, regions, and international organisations.
Free access


Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics that enable Europe-wide comparisons between countries and regions.
Free access