WRDS - Wharton Research Data Services
WRDS contents
Financial data, accounting figures, banking and management information. Data are pulled from a variety of databases and data sets but can be accessed from a common web interface.
Among the resources available through WRDS are COMPUSTAT, CRSP, OptionMetrics and BoardEx.
CBS students and staff must register to get access to WRDS.
How to register with WRDS
CBS students and staff only.
Fill in the form "Register" (please make sure that all fields are filled in correctly): https://wrds-www.wharton.upenn.edu/register/
- ”Subscriber”: Select Copenhagen Business School
- ”User Type”: If you are a student, select "Masters Student"
- Fill in name, e-mail address (CBS e-mail address is mandatory), user name etc.
- When you register, you accept the WRDS ”Terms of Use”
Within a few days, you will receive a confirmation that you can start using WRDS.
Two-factor authentication
For security reasons, WRDS will introduce two-factor authentication, when you log into the database.
You can find more detailed information via these links:
Søren Madsen, sm.lib@cbs.dk
WRDS facts
Period | Depends on data set |
Geography | The world |
Provider | Wharton Research Data Service |