| Conference - Corporate ESG disclosure and greenwashing | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | Private (National) | Finished | 01-10-2024 |
| Compliance and Risk Management | Department of International Economics, Government and Business | Private (National) | Finished | 01-01-2018 |
| Community for Cybersikkerhed | Department of Digitalization | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2021 |
WE-COLLAB | Collaborative and transparent use of Learning Analytics in online university courses, valuing the learner role and exploiting advanced monitoring equipment | Department of Marketing | EU | Finished | 01-11-2021 |
P2Green | Closing the gap between fork and farm for circular nutrient flows | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-12-2022 |
| Climate movements, platforms, and trajectories of in/visibility | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (International) | Running | 28-10-2024 |
| Climate change and global value chains in Bangladesh | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Finished | 01-01-2021 |
| Civil Diversitet | Department of Business Humanities and Law | Private (National) | Finished | 12-04-2023 |
CaPs | Citizens as Pilots of Smart Cities | Department of Organization | Public (International) | Finished | 01-01-2020 |
| Cirkulær beton - Udvikling af teknologi til 100% reel genanvendelse af nedrivningsbeton i ny cement og beton | Department of Marketing | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| Circular Economy with a focus on Plastics and Textiles | Department of Digitalization | Public (National) | Running | 01-09-2022 |
CREATE | Circular Economy in Bangladesh’s Apparel Industry | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Running | 01-10-2022 |
CircOp | Circular Construction Platforms | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (National) | Finished | 01-01-2022 |
| Challenging Party and Sex Tourism Images: Case Studies from Manila and Bali | Department of Marketing | Private (National) | Running | 01-11-2024 |
CivSam1 | Centre for Civil Society Studies | Department of Business and Politics | Private (National) | Finished | 15-05-2012 |
FRIC 2 | Center for Financial Frictions | Department of Finance | Public (National) | Finished | 01-04-2018 |
| Center for Big Finance Data | Department of Finance | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2023 |
NetCareers | Careers through Complex Networks - NetCareers | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Finished | 01-07-2020 |
CALLIOPE | Calliope: Cultural, artisanal and creative industries for the Anthropocene | Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy | | Finished | 19-08-2022 |
| CCUS | Department of Economics | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2022 |
| Bylivets Sorte Omstilling | Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy | Private (National) | Running | 18-05-2022 |
| Bygningsrelateret kunst: en dynamisk disciplin | Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy | Private (National) | Finished | 01-09-2020 |
BIZPOL | Business as political actor – evolving practice, emerging norms and shifting expectations for a pivotal determinant of public trust in both business and democracy | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 12-09-2018 |
| Building sustainability competence in boards - ESG board methodology | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Finished | 31-12-2021 |
IDEAL4GREEN | Building decentralIsed, DistributEd And Local micro-Grids for dEcarbonisation Electrification challeNge | | EU | Running | 01-01-2025 |
TealHelix | Building Resilience Through Inclusive and Personalized Food Labeling | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Running | 01-09-2024 |
| Building Research on Artificial Intelligence for Innovation | Department of Organization | Public (National) | Running | 01-02-2024 |
| Blue Denmark - Inno+ projects | Department of Operations Management | Private (National) | Running | 01-09-2014 |
| Blue Denmark | Department of Operations Management | Public (National) | Running | 01-05-2014 |
| Blockchain and the Trustless Society | Department of Digitalization | Public (National) | Running | 25-02-2019 |