External funding

To strengthen CBS 'profile as one of the best research institutions, CBS has in recent years increased its focus on external funding. CBS works strategically to attract research grants from both public and private funding bodies in Denmark and internationally. Below is a list of the externally financed research projects CBS has participated in the last five years. By clicking on each of projects you will find information on which CBS researchers are involved, the scope of the project, the funding source and the time frame for the project.

Click on one of the categories listed in the top menu if you want the list sorted differently.

AcronymTitleDepartment TypeStatusStartsort descending
Better marketing spendingDepartment of DigitalizationPrivate (National)Running01-04-2024
Copenhagen School of Energy InfrastructureDepartment of EconomicsPrivate (International)Running09-04-2024
Fellowship - Olga DegtiarevaDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (National)Running12-04-2024
Foreign Visiting Professorship - Christine WilliamsDepartment of OrganizationPrivate (National)Finished01-05-2024
Green Minds GatherPrivate (National)Running01-05-2024
How to achieve higher real investments, higher growth, and more jobs in 2030 given the current discussions vis-à-vis international tax standards.Department of Business Humanities and LawPublic (International)Finished22-05-2024
Samspil mellem det boligsociale og det boligcivile: Genealogiske analyser af boligorganiserende infrastrukturDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Running29-05-2024
Research stay and fieldwork at Stanford University Autumn 2024Department of OrganizationPrivate (National)Running29-05-2024
LEED8th Linked Employer-Employee Data (LEED) WorkshopDepartment of Strategy and InnovationPrivate (National)Finished01-06-2024
Double Materiality and Conservation Finance Liability – The Development of a Unified MethodologyDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (International)Running01-06-2024
Hort2thefuture Horticultural innovations in soil-friendly practices to ensure a sustainable futureDepartment of MarketingEU Running01-06-2024
Network for Studies on Pension, Aging and Retirement (Netspar)Department of EconomicsPrivate (International)Running01-06-2024
AchievinG work-LIFE balance: citizens, policies and firm perspectives (AGILE work-life balance)Department of International Economics, Government and Business Private (National)Running24-06-2024
Gunnar Larsen 1902-73: Erhvervsleder og minister. En biografiDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Running27-06-2024
Achieving Centralized Objectives in a Decentralized EconomyDepartment of EconomicsPublic (National)Running01-07-2024
Foreign Visiting Professorship - Anne Neumann Department of EconomicsPrivate (National)Finished01-08-2024
RECORDRecord Keeping in Frontline Work: Balancing Bureaucratic, Professional and Relational ConcernsDepartment of OrganizationPublic (National)Running01-08-2024
ERAP Ecosystemic Resilience against PlatformizationDepartment of DigitalizationEU Running01-08-2024
Foreign Visiting Professorship - Karen Lee AshcraftDepartment of OrganizationPrivate (National)Finished15-08-2024
Foreign Visiting Professorship - Sorin KrammerDepartment of Strategy and InnovationPrivate (National)Finished15-08-2024
Foreign Visiting Professorship - Noam TractinskyDepartment of DigitalizationPrivate (National)Running16-08-2024
E&S Disclosure Mandates and Political IdeologyDepartment of AccountingPrivate (National)Running19-08-2024
Nordic Finance and the Good Society _ NFGSDepartment of AccountingPrivate (International)Running19-08-2024
The 1st Olesen Foundation Shipping and Trade Conference 14-15 November 2024Department of Strategy and InnovationPrivate (National)Finished23-08-2024
VALPOPPort as Energy Transition HubsDepartment of EconomicsEU Running29-08-2024
Human Capabilities in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Learning MachinesDepartment of DigitalizationPrivate (National)Running01-09-2024
Women’s Employment Journey in Danish Multinational Enterprises in the Arab Middle EastDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Running01-09-2024
Digital Government Innovation and Sustainable Development Goals Department of DigitalizationPublic (National)Running01-09-2024
SENSOPAD Sensing ENdometriosiS On Portable Auxiliary DevicesDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationEU Running01-09-2024
Konferencebidrag - "The Gender Conference, 2024"Department of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Finished01-09-2024
