
Institut for Regnskab

  • Center for Ejerledede Virksomheder

Kontor: SOL/C4.02

Morten Holm is Associate Professor at the Department of Accounting at Copenhagen Business School. His research interests are currently twofold. First, Morten conducts research the effect of individual characteristics of managers, board members and audit partners on accounting decision making in organizations. He studies these effects empirically exploiting rich register-based data on individuals provided by Statistics Denmark’s Division of Research Services. Second, Morten is interested in the changing role of the finance function in the digital era including finance business partnering and the introduction of new technologies such as blockchain.

Morten has published in high quality journals such as Management Accounting Research and Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science.

Morten teaches three courses in management accounting and is responsible for an elective on strategic cost management and corporate value creation.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Management accounting in modern enterprises
  • Psychological underpinnings of economic decision making
  • Individuals’ influence on finance and accounting decisions
  • Empirical behavioral accounting based on large-sample data
Sociale medier
Link til denne hjemmeside
  • Økonomistyring, CM FIR (graduate level), 2019-
  • Økonomistyring, HDR (diploma level), 2016-
  • Management Accounting, FTMBA (executive level), 2016-
  • Økonomisk Styring og Strategisk Udvikling, CBS Summer School (executive level), 2020-21
  • Strategic Cost Management & Corp. Value Creation, CM elective (graduate level), 2016-18
  • Økonomistyring, HA Almen (undergraduate level), 2012-15
  • Thesis supervision, CM (graduate level), 2012-
  • Customer Profitability Management, MBA (graduate level) guest lectures at Reykjavik University, 2021-
  • Måling og styring af kunders værdi, CMØ (graduate level) guest lectures at Aalborg University, 2014-2021

Ph.D. Students

Andre undervisningsaktiviteter


Udvalgte publikationer
  • Holm, M., Kumar, V., Rohde, C. (2012). Measuring Customer Profitability in Complex Environments : An Interdisciplinary Contingency Framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40 (3), p. 387-401.
  • Holm, M., Kumar, V., Plenborg, T. (2016). An Investigation of Customer Accounting Systems as a Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Advances in Accounting, 32 (3), p. 18–30.
  • Plagborg-Møller, E., Holm, M. (2017). IPO or SBO?: The Increasing Importance of Operational Performance for Private Equity Exits Following the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-08, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 29 (1), p. 115-121.
  • Holm, M., Ax, C. (2020): The Interactive Effect of Competition Intensity and Customer Service Competition on Customer Accounting Sophistication : Evidence of Positive and Negative Associations, Management Accounting Research, 46 (3).
  • Johansen, T. R., Holm, M. (2022). Revisors betydning i små virksomheder, Frederiksberg: Institut for Regnskab. Copenhagen Business School, 43 s.


Publikationer sorteret efter:
Morten Holm; Thomas Riise Johansen / The Big 4 Effect for New Audit Services : The Case of the Danish COVID-19 Fixed-cost Business-support Scheme.
I: International Journal of Auditing, Vol. 29, Nr. 1, 1.2025, s. 136-159
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jeppe Christoffersen; Morten Holm; Thomas Plenborg; Morten Seitz / Ledelsesrapportering i danske SMV'ere
I: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 92, Nr. 6, 6.2023, s. 32-39
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Morten Holm; Thomas Kristensen; Michael S. Dahl; Melanie L. Feldhues / When the Going Gets Tough : The Information Value of Accounting Numbers as Indicators of Employee Stress.
Paper presented at Nordic Accounting Conference 2023, 2023
Paper > peer review
Melanie L. Feldhues; Morten Holm / CEO Life History Strategies and Financial Reporting Quality
Paper presented at 2022 International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting, 2022
Paper > peer review
Thomas Borup Kristensen; Jeffrey Pfeffer; Michael S. Dahl; Morten Holm; Melanie Lucia Feldhues / Does Depression Co-occur within Households? : The Moderating Effects of Financial Resources and Job Insecurity on Psychological Contagion.
I: SSM - Population Health, Vol. 19, 9.2022
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jeppe Christoffersen; Morten Holm; Thomas Plenborg; Morten Seitz / Intern rapportering i Danske SMV'er
Frederiksberg : Center for Ejerledede Virksomheder. Copenhagen Business School 2022, 32 s.
Thomas Riise Johansen; Morten Holm / Revisors betydning i små virksomheder
Frederiksberg : Institut for Regnskab. Copenhagen Business School 2022, 43 s.
Thomas Riise Johansen; Morten Holm / Revisors betydning i små virksomheder
I: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 91, Nr. 12, 12.2022, s. 20-29
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Melanie L. Feldhues; Morten Holm / CEO Life History Strategies and Earnings Management
Paper presented at 2021 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Virtual Midyear Meeting, 2021
Paper > peer review
Morten Holm; Christian Ax / The Interactive Effect of Competition Intensity and Customer Service Competition on Customer Accounting Sophistication : Evidence of Positive and Negative Associations.
I: Management Accounting Research, Vol. 46, 3.2020
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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Faglige interesser

•    CEO life history strategies and earnings management
•    Stressful life events and audit partner judgement
•    Management reporting in Danish SMEs
•    Personal stress and financial performance


Consulting 101; Teaching; 2018 – ongoing
Aalborg University; Guest lecturer; 2020
ABC Softwork; Keynote Speaker; 2020