Ekstern finansiering

For at styrke CBS’ profil som en af de bedste forskningsinstitutioner, har CBS de senere år haft øget fokus på ekstern finansiering. CBS arbejder strategisk med at tiltrække forskningsbevillinger fra både offentlige og private bevillingsgivere nationalt og internationalt. Nedenfor finder du en oversigt over de eksternt finansierede projekter CBS har deltaget i de sidste fem år. For hvert projekt kan du klikke dig frem til information om hvilke CBS-forskere der er involveret, hvad formålet er med projektet, bevillingskilden og projektets løbetid.

Klik på en af kategorierne i den øverste menu, hvis du vil have listen sorteret anderledes.

AkronymTitelInstitutTypeStatussorter faldendeStart
Hvorledes optimering af AI-baseret real-time kundeinteraktion afhænger af det rette strategiske mindsetInstitut for AfsætningsøkonomiPublic (National)Igang01-01-2024
Decent Work and GVC-based Industriatlization in EthiopiaDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPublic (National)Igang01-02-2020
Inclusive Entrepreneurship: Women and Immigrant EntrepreneursInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Igang01-09-2023
The Entrepreneurial Age: Rethinking Entrepreneurship in SocietyDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Igang01-06-2023
GENSDOMGender and Social dominance In the Modern World Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og BusinessEU Igang01-04-2024
Maritime Competence Corridor between CBS and Odessa National Maritime UniversityInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Igang13-03-2024
Better marketing spendingInstitut for Digitalisering Private (National)Igang01-04-2024
Fellowship - Olga DegtiarevaDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (National)Igang12-04-2024
RECORDRecord Keeping in Frontline Work: Balancing Bureaucratic, Professional and Relational ConcernsInstitut for OrganisationPublic (National)Igang01-08-2024
Digital Government Innovation and Sustainable Development Goals Institut for Digitalisering Public (National)Igang01-09-2024
Copenhagen School of Energy InfrastructureØkonomisk InstitutPrivate (International)Igang09-04-2024
Double Materiality and Conservation Finance Liability – The Development of a Unified MethodologyDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (International)Igang01-06-2024
How to achieve higher real investments, higher growth, and more jobs in 2030 given the current discussions vis-à-vis international tax standards.Department of Business Humanities and LawPublic (International)Igang22-05-2024
ERAP Ecosystemic Resilience against PlatformizationInstitut for Digitalisering EU Igang01-08-2024
SENSOPAD Sensing ENdometriosiS On Portable Auxiliary DevicesDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationEU Igang01-09-2024
Green Minds GatherCopenhagen Business SchoolPrivate (National)Igang01-05-2024
Samspil mellem det boligsociale og det boligcivile: Genealogiske analyser af boligorganiserende infrastrukturDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Igang29-05-2024
Konferencebidrag - "The Gender Conference, 2024"Department of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Igang01-09-2024
AchievinG work-LIFE balance: citizens, policies and firm perspectives (AGILE work-life balance)Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og BusinessPrivate (National)Igang24-06-2024
Research stay and fieldwork at Stanford University Autumn 2024Institut for OrganisationPrivate (National)Igang29-05-2024
Achieving Centralized Objectives in a Decentralized EconomyØkonomisk InstitutPublic (National)Igang01-07-2024
Choice Architecture and Pension Communication in Australia, Denmark and the NetherlandsØkonomisk InstitutPrivate (International)Igang01-06-2024
Gunnar Larsen 1902-73: Erhvervsleder og minister. En biografiDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Igang27-06-2024
Building Research on Artificial Intelligence for InnovationInstitut for OrganisationPublic (National)Igang01-02-2024
The 1st Olesen Foundation Shipping and Trade Conference 14-15 November 2024Institut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Igang23-08-2024
Hort2thefuture Horticultural innovations in soil-friendly practices to ensure a sustainable futureInstitut for AfsætningsøkonomiEU Igang01-06-2024
CoDeFConsumer Demand Flexibility in Electricity UseØkonomisk InstitutEU Igang01-09-2024
TealHelixBuilding Resilience Through Inclusive and Personalized Food LabelingDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationEU Igang01-09-2024
