WENDY | Multicriteria analysis of the technical, environmental and social factors triggering the PIMBY principle for Wind technologies | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 01-10-2022 |
VCOMP | Generating Voluntary Compliance Across Doctrines and Nations: Interlocking the Behavioral and Regulatory Aspects of Governments’ Ability to Trust Public' Cooperation, Ethicality and Compliance | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 01-11-2022 |
DALOSS | Data loss: the politics of disappearance, destruction and dispossession in digital societies | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 01-04-2023 |
STEERS | Delivering a Decarbonised European Energy Sector: A Methodology for Implementing SmarT and Efficient EneRgy System Integration | Økonomisk Institut | EU | Afsluttet | 01-01-2022 |
| Patient Innovation Bootcamp: Boosting Patient Entrepreneurship | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | EU | Igang | 01-01-2023 |
| Lobbying and Corporate Political Connections in Europe | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | EU | Igang | 01-07-2023 |
INFORMALITY | Re-Imagining Informality: Theorizing Informal Entrepreneurship and Economic Change in Transition Era China (1970s–1980s) | Department of Business Humanities and Law | EU | Igang | 01-06-2023 |
| Kompetencer til et grønt Danmark | Copenhagen Business School | EU | Igang | 01-01-2023 |
SINERGI | Sustainable Innovative digitalized Network of Urban logistics | Økonomisk Institut | EU | Igang | 01-05-2023 |
SMVPro | SMV:Professionalisering | Økonomisk Institut | EU | Igang | 07-09-2022 |
GC EDIH | Greater Copenhagen European Digital Innovation Hub | Institut for Digitalisering | EU | Igang | 01-08-2023 |
SECreTour | Sustainable, Engaging and CREative Tourism as a driver for a better future in rural and remote areas | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 01-03-2024 |
MORALITES | Moral Elites: The Historical Positioning of Civil Society Leaders in National Moral Economies | Department of Business Humanities and Law | EU | Igang | 01-01-2024 |
EURIDICE | EURopean Inclusive education for Digital society, social Innovation and global CitizEnship | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 01-01-2024 |
ROSETTA | Reducing food waste due to marketing standards through alternative market access | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 01-01-2024 |
| International Tourism Analytics Group: Enhanced Data and Statistical Literacy for Sustainable Tourism Development | Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi | EU | Igang | 01-09-2023 |
GENSDOM | Gender and Social dominance In the Modern World | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | EU | Igang | 01-04-2024 |
ERAP | Ecosystemic Resilience against Platformization | Institut for Digitalisering | EU | Igang | 01-08-2024 |
SENSOPAD | Sensing ENdometriosiS On Portable Auxiliary Devices | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 01-09-2024 |
Hort2thefuture | Horticultural innovations in soil-friendly practices to ensure a sustainable future | Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi | EU | Igang | 01-06-2024 |
IDEAL4GREEN | Building decentralIsed, DistributEd And Local micro-Grids for dEcarbonisation Electrification challeNge | | EU | Igang | 01-01-2025 |
CoDeF | Consumer Demand Flexibility in Electricity Use | Økonomisk Institut | EU | Igang | 01-09-2024 |
TealHelix | Building Resilience Through Inclusive and Personalized Food Labeling | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 01-09-2024 |
| Green Threads: Enhancing Sustainability in India's Textile Recycling Clusters | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 12-09-2024 |
SEIZMIC | Scaling Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Zooming in on Multidisciplinary Interconnected Challenges | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 01-10-2024 |
CIR4FUN | Advancing European Industrial Sustainability and Competitiveness through Circular Design Strategies, Digital Product Passports, and Sustainable Product-Service Systems in the Furniture Sector | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 01-01-2025 |
VISION4FOOD | Envisioning an integrated quadruple helix and RRI framework for food system transformation and regional innovation ecosystem enhancement | Department of Management, Society and Communication | EU | Igang | 01-01-2025 |
VALPOP | Port as Energy Transition Hubs | Økonomisk Institut | EU | Igang | 29-08-2024 |
MADE FAST | MADE Flexible, Agile, Sustainable manufacturing enabled by Talented employees | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | Multiple financing sources | Igang | 01-01-2020 |
NFSGII | Nordic Finance and the Good Society II | Institut for Regnskab | Multiple financing sources | Afsluttet | 01-10-2019 |