Redesign of CBS Library

Throughout summer CBS Library will be undertaking a major refurbishment of the ground floor reception area in our Solbjerg Plads branch.
The old black and red counters will be replaced by brand new, custom-made furniture.
The space will change radically and will among other things boast cosy niches for studying and break-taking.
We expect everything to be ready for use in early August, but until then you should expect occasional noise from the construction site.
Follow the project on Facebook and Instagram.
Get free earplugs or relocate to alternative reading rooms
Please see a member of staff for free earplugs when the construction work gets too noisy.
You may also want to relocate to the reading rooms in Porcelænshaven and Graduate House, which are open 24/7 with access cards, or the large reading room in Dalgas Have, which is open between 7:30 and 17 on weekdays.
Step-by-step refurbishment timeline
If you want to keep up with the project, check out the schedule below:
- Installation of new self-service machines (week 26)
- Removal of old furniture in the reception area & floor repairs (weeks 27-28)
- Floor oiling - the main entrance will be closed for a brief period and instead you have to use the night entrance (weeks 29-30)
- Rewiring of electrical installations - you should expect some noise when the electricians drill through the concrete floor, but they will try to do this early in the morning (weeks 29, 31)
- Mounting of new furniture (weeks 30-31)
- Testing and evaluation (week 32)
It's a must-see!
The new furniture has been designed by Friis & Moltke in collaboration with Siv Britt Mansa, resident architect and project manager at CBS, and constructed by Sorø Møbler.
The new lounge chairs with woolen uphostery have been designed by Erik Jørgensen. The colours have been harmonized with the colours of the room and the large oil paintings by Nina Sten-Knudsen (Bibliotek [Library] from 2001 and Landskab, senere [Landscape, later] from 1998).
We are looking forward to welcoming you back in new and beautiful surroundings
A great place to meet
Our ambition is to make CBS Library an even more attractive place to meet up with fellow students and immerse yourself in your studies.
We have focused on supporting different study styles and on creating spaces that are suitable for different types of interaction and we hope that the end result will support all of this.