Are you struggling with Danish spelling
Is it called links or linkene in plural? Do I need a double "s" in ressourcer?
Help is at hand if you download Retskrivningsordbogen also called RO+, an app by The Danish Language Council.
You can use it on your smartphone and tablet. The app is available for both iPhone and Android. The Danish lLanguage Council updates RO+ continuously with new words and you can use it online as well as offline.
In addition to looking up how words are spelled and conjugated, you can also use the advances search function to dive deeper into the exciting grammatical issues of the Danish language.
Get Retskrivningsordbogen for free
Dictionaries from CBS Library
See the list of other dictionaries provided by CBS Library. You'll find Gyldendals Ordbøger (English-, German-, French-Danish etc.) also available for download on desktop and smartphone. Oxford English Dictionary, the huge English language dictionary is also on the list.
Online dictionaries