Alphabetical list

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W | Ø

Mandag Morgen

Current and in-depth news and analyses focussing on welfare, management, technology and green transition.
Campus + remote access


Danish TV, radio, and commercial streaming service. Also access to older versions of Danish newspapers. Off-campus access via WAYF


News about companies and people in the pharmaceutical, biotech, medico, rehab, and health industries
Campus + VPN


Mendeley is a reference management software that allows you to maintain a personal library of literature and create in-text citations and bibliographies on the fly. You can also read and annotate PDF documents, both online, offline, and via the Mendeley app.
Free access


News about the transportation of both goods and people, as well as the underlying infrastructure.
Campus + remote access

Morningstar Direct

Morningstar compiles and analyzes fund, stock, and general market data. Also covering ESG data on funds and companies. Only access via CBS Library Data Lab.
CBS Library Data Lab 1st floor


MSCI ESG Direct measures the social, environmental, and governance performance of nearly 9,000 corporations, 8,000 of those with current ESG score and reports.
Campus + VPN