
Institut for Organisation

  • People and Organizing (PnO)
Elisabeth Naima

Kontor: KIL/14.A-3.56
E-mail: enm.ioa@cbs.dk

A major theme in my research concerns the role of emotions in organizations and the human body in work relationships, where I use primarily ethnographic research designs to observe and inquire beyond the surface of organizations and individual experiences of organizing. I am particularly interested in how emotions at work can both facilitate and derail collective sensemaking and organizing. My work looks primarily at public organizations such as health care, correctional institutions, and the police, but also nonprofit organizations. In my current research project, I explore the organizing of police encounters with victims of violence.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Work relationships
  • Emotions in organizations
  • Human body at work
  • Organizational sensemaking
  • Narrative theory
  • Systems psychodynamics
  • Ethnography and qualitative methods
Administrative opgaver

Study Director of the BSc and MSc programmes in Business Administration and Psychology

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Personlighedspsykologi, HA(psyk) (BSc in Business Administration and Psychology)


Master thesis supervision

PhD supervision

Udvalgte publikationer
Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen (2022): Looking over your shoulder: Embodied responses to contamination in the emotional dirty work of prison officers. Human Relations, Vol. 75(9): 1770-1797.

Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen (2022): Organizational perspectives on boring prison work: Between emancipation and paranoia. Organization, Vol29(5): 816-838. Special issue: Boredom at Work.

Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen, Barbara Gray & Anne Petersen (2020). Unconscious processes of organizing: Intergroup conflict in mental health care. Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 57(7): 1355-1383. Special issue: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Publication of Karl Weick’s The Social Psychology of Organizing.

Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen & Didde Maria Humle (2020). Dynamics of overt and covert conflict in organizations: The power of organizational identity. Group and Organization Management, Vol. 45(6): 768–807. The paper was awarded Best Qualitative Paper in 2020 by Group and Organization Management.

Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen & Randi Wåhlin (2020). Dominant, hidden and forbidden sensemaking: the politics of ideology and emotions in diversity management. Organization, Vol. 27(4): 557-577.

Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen & Stewart Clegg (2019). Conceptions of conflict in organizational conflict research: towards critical reflexivity, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol. 28(2): 166-179.
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen; Linda Nørgaard Madsen / Disciplining Empathy in Frontline Encounters : Learning to Handle Emotion Norms in Practice.
Paper presented at The 27th Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) Conference 2024, 2024
Paper > peer review
Annemette Kjærgaard; Julie Buhl-Wiggers; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Does Gradeless Learning Affect Students’ Academic Performance? : A Study of Effects Over Time.
I: Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 49, Nr. 2, 2.2024, s. 336-350
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Tobias Berggren Jensen; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Positive, Challenging, or Impossible Self-managing Organizations? : Exploring Radical Decentralization at an Addiction Rehabilitation Center.
I: Journal of Organization Design, Vol. 13, Nr. 4, 12.2024, s. 147-162
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Linda Nørgaard Madsen; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Tilblivelse og konsekvenser af politiets tro på partnervoldsmyter
I: Partnervold og partnerdrab: Samfundets blinde vinkel. . red. /Trine Baumbach; Linda Kjær Minke; Tine Søberg. København : Djøf Forlag 2024, s. 485-505
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Linda Nørgaard Madsen; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Unpacking Police Endorsement of Myths Surrounding Intimate Partner Violence Against Women : Formation and Implications.
I: Violence Against Women, Vol. 30, Nr. 8, 6.2024, s. 1959-1983
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Marie Arnbak-Hartzberg; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen; Tanja Kirkegaard / Organizing for the ‘Good Atmosphere’ : Collegial Emotional Work for Collective Coping in High-performance Environments.
Paper presented at 39th EGOS Colloquium 2023, 2023
Paper > peer review
Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Seeing Blindness : A Combined Psychodynamic and Interactional Approach to the Study of Ignoring.
I: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 23, Nr. 1, 4.2023, s. 201-215
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Annemette Kjærgaard; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen; Julie Buhl-Wiggers / The Gradeless Paradox : Emancipatory Promises but Ambivalent Effects of Gradeless Learning in Business and Management Education.
I: Management Learning, Vol. 54, Nr. 4, 9.2023, s. 556-575
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Annemette Kjærgaard; Julie Buhl-Wiggers; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Gradeless Learning in Higher Education : Implications for Student Learning and Well-being.
Abstract from EARLI SIG 1 & 4 Joint Conference 2022, 2022
Konferenceabstrakt til konference > peer review
Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Looking over Your Shoulder : Embodied Responses to Contamination in the Emotional Dirty Work of Prison Officers.
I: Human Relations, Vol. 75, Nr. 9, 9.2022, s. 1770-1797
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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EVA Evalueringsinstitut (10 hours)

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