
Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi

Marianne Stang

Kontor: SOL/D2.38

My teaching is organized as practice based studio teaching in courses that involve the application of qualitative methods and case study research design, and within issues like strategic design, organization development, process consultation and internship arrangements. My research addresses the link between organization and architecture/design, focusing on the role and implication of design and architecture in organizational settings, and on architectural practice as professional work. At the Department of Marketing, I am affiliated with the Integrated Design research group.

Primære forskningsområder
Primary research areas
  • Organizational spaces
  • Architecture practice
  • User participation
  • Ethnography and qualitative methods

Primary teaching areas

  • Qualitative methods
  • Organization development
  • Process consultation
  • Design thinking
  • Strategic design
Link til denne hjemmeside
  • CM(psyk): Organisationsudviklings i Praksis
  • CM(psyk): Academic Internship
  • MA in Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship (Cand. Soc.): Strategic Design and Consulting
  •  HA(Pro): Internship

I supervise Master theses related to topics like organization development and change, management, strategy, strategic design, architectural and/or design practices, etc. 

Udvalgte publikationer
  • Stang Våland, M., Svejenova, S., and Clausen, R. T. J. (2021). Renewing creative work for business innovation: Architectural practice in the trading zone. European Management Review, Vol. 18(4)
  • Stang Våland, M. and Georg, S. (2018). Spacing identity: unfolding social and spatial-material entanglements of identity performance. Scandinavian Management Journal, Vol. 34(2)
  • Stang Våland, M. and Hedegaard Møller, C. (2018). Between Regulation and Professional Essentials: Exploring Current Challenges in Architectural Education. Artifact: Journal of Design Practice, Vol. 5(1)

  • Stang Våland, M. and Georg, S. (2014): The socio-materiality of designing organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 27(3)

  •  Stang Våland, M, Pallesen T and Hedegaard Møller C / Interventions and dissonance in industrial research: dressing the emperor in new clothes? In: Journal of Cultural Economy, DOI: 10.1080/17530350.2024.2376628, Journal article > peer review.

Publikationer sorteret efter:
Marianne Stang Våland; Trine Pallesen; Camilla Hedegaard Møller / Interventions and Dissonance in Industrial Research : Dressing the Emperor in New Clothes?.
I: Journal of Cultural Economy, 2024
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Marianne Stang Våland; Silviya Svejenova; Rune Thorbjørn Clausen / Renewing Creative Work for Business Innovation : Architectural Practice in the Trading Zone.
I: European Management Review, Vol. 18, Nr. 4, 12.2021, s. 389-403
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Camilla Hedegaard Møller; Marianne Stang Våland; Jonna Majgaard Krarup / Erhvervsforskning i praksis
I: Byg bro: En antologi om at bygge bro mellem byggeriets parter. . red. /Lone Sigbrand; Inge Mette Kirkeby; Birgitte Kleis. København : BUILD, Aalborg Universitet 2020, s. 93-99
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Marianne Stang Våland; Camilla Hedegaard Møller / Between Regulation Mechanisms and Professional Essentials : Exploring Current Challenges in Architectural Education.
I: Artifact: Journal of Design Practice, Vol. 5, Nr. 1, 2018, s. 3.1-3.19
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Camilla Hedegaard Møller; Marianne Stang Våland / Forms of Practice : Research-based Education in Studies of Practice.
I: Formation: Architectural Education in a Nordic Perspective. Nordic Baltic Academy of Architecture. . red. /Elise Lorentzen; Kristine Annabell Torp. København : Architectual Publisher B 2018, s. 227-232
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Marianne Stang Våland; Susse Georg / Spacing Identity : Unfolding Social and Spatial-material Entanglements of Identity Performance.
I: Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 34, Nr. 2, 2018, s. 193-204
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Marianne Stang Våland; Susse Georg / Spacing Identity: The role of Spatial, Material and Social Entanglements
Paper presented at The 33rd EGOS Colloquium 2017, 2017
Paper > peer review
Marianne Stang Våland; Kristian Kreiner / Arkitektur i ord og gerning
I: Arkitekten, Vol. 117, Nr. 10, 2015, s. 26-31
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Marianne Stang Våland; Susse Georg / Designing a Counter : The Constitutive Entanglement of the Social and the Material in Architectural Design.
I: Architecture, Materiality and Society: Connecting Sociology of Architecture with Science and Technology Studies. . red. /Anna-Lise Müller; Werner Reichmann. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 2015, s. 24-47
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Liisa Naar; Marianne Stang Våland / Tales From the Field : If Buildings Could Talk.
I: Gehry in Sydney: The Dr Chau Chak Wing Building, UTS. . red. /Liisa Naar; Stewart Clegg. Mulgrave : The Images Publishing Group 2015, s. 253-273
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
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