
Department of Marketing

Leticia Vedolin

Kontor: SOL/C3.12

Letícia forsker i skæringspunktet mellem psykologi, forbrug og ledelse. Hendes ph.d.-forskning og undervisning fokuserer på virkningerne af mindfulness på forbrugerpsykologi og virksomheder. Hun er nu postdoc i Coolness-projektet finansieret af Carlsbergfondet og forsøger at forstå, hvordan coolness påvirker livet for medarbejdere i større virksomheder rundt om i verden.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Consumer Behaviour
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Publikationer sorteret efter:
Mellina da Silva Terres; Simoni F. Rohden; Leticia Vedolin Sebastião / COVID-sumers : Consumers’ Feelings due Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil and Potential Implications for Services Marketing.
I: International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, Vol. 18, Nr. 4, 2024, s. 649-674
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Leticia Vedolin Sebastião; Jesper Clement / Mindfulness in Business Education : Benefits, Teaching Philosophy, and a Case of the Application of Mindfulness in a Company.
I: Business Education in the 21st Century: Developing Discipline Competences and Transformation Capabilities. . red. /Adam Lindgreen; Eleri Rosier; Antonia Erz; Ben Marder; Sylvia von Wallpach. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, s. 215–229
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Leticia Vedolin Sebastião; Lucas de Britto Dorneles; Cristiane Pizzutti / The Effects of Mindfulness on Fake News Spreading
Paper presented at Mind, Meditation, and Management 2024, 2024
Paper > peer review
Leticia Vedolin Sebastião; Florian Kock; Alexander Josiassen / The Influence of Perceived Employer Coolness on Job Satisfaction
I: The 32nd Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitalty Research 2024. red. /Ángel Tello Moya; Trude Furunes; Live K. Kvalsvik. Stavanger : University of Stavanger 2024, s. 90-91
Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings > peer review
Leticia Vedolin / Mindfulness and Consumption : Routes Toward Consumer Self-Control.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2023, 127 s. (PhD Series, Nr. 25.2023)
Mellina da Silva Terres; Simoni F. Rohden; Leticia Vedolin / Bem-Estar e Esperança durante o Distanciamento Social e a Pandemia COVID-19
Porto Alegre : Moriá 2022, 224 s.
Bog > peer review
Leticia Vedolin; Torsten Ringberg; Jesper Clement / Not as Mindful as You Think: A Multidisciplinary Review of the Conscious and Non-conscious Processes of Mindfulness and Consumption
Paper presented at ACR Conference 2021, 2021
Paper > peer review
Mellina da Silva Terres; Simoni F. Rohden; Leticia Vedolin; Bárbara Foiato Hein Machado; Karen Magnus; Agnes Altmann; Dieine Estela Bernieri Schiavon / The Covid-19 Pandemic : Paths for Future Research in Marketing Involving the Regulatory Role of Prosocial Consumption.
I: Revista Brasileira de Marketing, Vol. 19, Nr. 3, 2020, s. 611-626
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Leticia Vedolin Sebastião; Cristiane Pizzutti / The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Fake News Credibility
I: Proceedings of the EMAC 2020 Regional ConferenceBrussels : European Marketing Academy. EMAC 2020, 1 s. (Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy)
Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings > peer review
  • October 2022 guest lecturer at PUCRS, a private University in Brazil. taught one lecture at a colleague's course.
  • May 2022 invited to talk at Accenture Denmark.
  • March 2023 - Unpaid talk at UFRGS. Public university in Brazil.