Department of Management, Society and Communication
- Centre for Sustainability

Steen Vallentin is associate professor in CSR at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), where he is also associated with the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (cbsCSR). His research is mainly focused on the political aspects of CSR, including the role of government, the emergence of new modes of governance and the impact of media and public opinion on corporate communication and action. His most recent publications include a critical book on CSR in Danish (Afkastet og anstændigheden – Social ansvarlighed i kritisk belysning) (2011), a paper for Organization on “Governmentality and the Politics of CSR” (2012) and a paper for Journal of Business Ethics entitled “Governmentalities of CSR: Danish Government Policy as a Reflection of Political Difference” (2013).
MPP Research: Video Portrait - Steen Vallentin:
- Politics of corporate social responsibility
- Governmentality and governance
- Ideology and cynicism in the responsibility debate
- Media and public opinion
- Trust, values and management
- Centerleder CBSCSR
- Medlem af Etisk Råd
CSR – Managing the social impact of business, Cand.merc.-elective.
- Vallentin, S. and Murillo, D (2012): ‘Governmentality and the Politics of CSR’. Organization, 19(6), 825-843.
- Vallentin, S. (2013): ‘Governmentalities of CSR: Danish Government Policy as a Reflection of Political Difference’. Journal of Business Ethics, doi: 10.1007/s10551-013-1703-5, 1-15.
- Vallentin, S. and Schmiegelow, A. (2013): ‘Sector-specific Corporate Responsibility in Denmark’. In: Beschorner, T., Hajduk, T. and Simeonov, S. (eds.): Corporate Responsibility in Europe. Government Involvement in Sector-Specific Initiatives (91-112). Bielefeld: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- Vallentin, S. (2013): ’Ét skridt frem … og to tilbage? CSR som filantropi’. Social Kritik, 133, 18-31.
- Vallentin, S. and Murillo, D. (2010): ‘Government, Governance and Collaborative Social Responsibility’. In: Zsolnai, L. and Tencati, A. (eds.): The Collaborative Enterprise (209-227). Germany: Peter Lang.
I: Lederliv, Vol. 7, Nr. Efterår, 23.10.2024
I: Samfundslederskab i Skandinavien, Vol. 38, Nr. 1, 2023, s. 4-26
I: Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 32, Nr. 4, 10.2022, s. 635-670
I: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 179, 6.2022
New York, NY : Routledge 2022, 146 s. (Routledge Studies in Trust Research)
I: FIRE Journal: UCPH Fiscal Relations Law Journal, Nr. 2, 2020
I: Ethical Business Leadership in Troubling Times. red. /Joanne B. Ciulla; Tobey K. Scharding. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2019, s. 60-87 (Studies in TransAtlantic Business Ethics series)
I: Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Change: Institutional and Organizational Perspectives. . red. /Arnaud Sales. Cham : Springer 2019, s. 43-59 (Ethical Economy, Vol. 57)
I: Fair Taxation and Corporate Social Responsibility. red. /Karina Kim Egholm Elgaard; Rasmus Kristian Feldthusen; Axel Hilling; Matti Kukkonen. København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2019, s. 19-51
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2018, 2018
København : Akademisk Forlag 2017, 224 s.
I: Journal of Trust Research, Vol. 7, Nr. 2, 2017, s. 150-169
I: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 136, Nr. 4, 2016, s. 743-757
I: Trust, Organizations and Social Interaction: Studying Trust as Process within and between Organizations. . red. /Søren Jagd; Lars Fuglsang. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2016, s. 283–299
I: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 127, Nr. 1, 3.2015, s. 33-47
I: The Routledge Companion to Ethics, Politics and Organizations. red. /Alison Pullen; Carl Rhodes. Abingdon : Routledge 2015, s. 13-31
I: Business & Society, Vol. 54, Nr. 4, 2015, s. 464-500
I: Journal of Management Development, Vol. 32, Nr. 3, 2013, s. 236-246
I: CSR and Beyond: A Nordic Perspective. . red. /Atle Midttun. Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2013, s. 261-286
I: Corporate Responsibility in Europe: Government Involvement in Sector-specific Initiatives. . red. /Thomas Beschorner; Thomas Hajduk; Samuil Simeonov. Gütersloh : Bertelsmann Stiftung 2013, s. 91-112
I: Social Kritik:Tidsskrift for social analyse & debat, Vol. 25, Nr. 133, 3.2013, s. 18-31
I: Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, Nr. 3, 6.2012, s. 17-46
I: Organization, Vol. 19, Nr. 6, 2012, s. 825– 843
I: Samfundsvidenskabelige analysemetoder. red. /Claus Nygaard. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2012, s. 197-229
Paper presented at Public and Private Regulation of CSR, 2012
Paper presented at The 28th EGOS Colloquium 2012, 2012
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2011, 226 s.
I: Tillid - samfundets fundament: Teorier, tolkninger, cases. . red. /Paul Hegedahl; Gunnar L.H. Svendsen. Odense : Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2011, s. 83-98 (University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, Vol. 423)
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2010, 222 s.
I: The Collaborative Enterprise: Creating Values for a Sustainable World. . red. /Antonio Tencati; Laszlo Zsolnai. New York : Peter Lang 2010, s. 209-227 (Frontiers of Business Ethics , Vol. 9)
I: Ethics and Organizational Practice: Questioning the Moral Foundations of Management . . red. /Bent Meier Sørensen; Steen Vallentin; Sara Louise Muhr. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2010, s. 1-16
I: Bedrifters samfunnsansvar: Hvordan forene ønsker og praksis. . red. /Mette Morsing; Andrew Kakabadse. Trondheim : TAPIR Akademisk Forlag 2010, s. 277-287
I: Ethics and Organizational Practice : Questioning the Moral Foundations of Marketing. . red. /Steen Vallentin; Bent Meier Sørensen; Sara Louise Muhr. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2010, s. 81-100
I: Produktiv journalistik: Virksomheder - medier - markeder. . red. /Roy Langer; Peter Kjær; Maja Horst. København : Handelshøjskolens Forlag 2009, s. 107-124
Frederiksberg : Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, CBS 2009, 40 s.
I: The Future International Manager: A Vision of the Roles and Duties of Management. . red. /Laszlo Zsolnai; Antonio Tencati. : Palgrave Macmillan 2009, s. 49-69
I: Business & Society, Vol. 48, Nr. 1, 2009, s. 60-87
I: Forretning eller ansvar?: Social ansvarlighed i små og mellemstore virksomheder. . red. /Mette Morsing; Steen Vallentin; Steen Hildebrandt. Kbh. : Dagbladet Boersen A/S 2008, s. s 40-63
I: Forretning eller ansvar?: Social ansvarlighed i små og mellemstore virksomheder. . red. /Mette Morsing; Steen Vallentin; Steen Hildebrandt. Kbh. : Dagbladet Boersen A/S 2008, s. s 94-116
Kbh. : Dagbladet Boersen A/S 2008, 302 s.
I: Forretning eller ansvar?: Social ansvarlighed i små og mellemstore virksomheder. . red. /Mette Morsing; Steen Vallentin; Steen Hildebrandt. Kbh. : Dagbladet Boersen A/S 2008, s. s 8-36
København : Dagbladet Boersen A/S 2008, 245 s.
I: Organization, Vol. 14, Nr. 6, 2007, s. 929-938
I: Corporate social responsibility: Reconciling Aspiration with Application. . red. /Andrew Kakabadse; Mette Morsing. New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2006, s. 245-254
Paper presented at The 34th EMAC Annual Conference 2005, 2006
I: Strategic CSR communication. red. /Mette Morsing; Suzanne C. Beckmann. Copenhagen : Djøf Forlag 2006, s. 61-82
Paper presented at The 22nd EGOS Colloquium 2006, 2006
I: Dansk Sociologi, Vol. 16, Nr. 3, 2005, s. 25-44
I: Samfundsvidenskabelige analysemetoder. red. /Claus Nygaard. 2005, s. 199-230
I: Virksomhedens politisering. red. /Christian Frankel. København : Samfundslitteratur 2004, s. 57-80
Paper presented at The EUPRERA/DGPuK Conference: Public Relations and the Public Sphere, 2004
I: Organiseret kommunikation: systemteoretiske analyser. . red. /Holger Højlund; Morten Knudsen. København : Samfundslitteratur 2003, s. 161-181
I: Værdier, etik og socialt ansvar i virksomheder: brudflader og konvergens. . red. /Jacob Dahl Rendtorff. Roskilde : Center for Værdier i Virksomheder 2003, s. 114-121 (Skriftserie, Nr. 2003-4)
I: Corporate Values and Responsibility: the case of Denmark. . red. /Mette Morsing; Christina Thyssen. Copenhagen : Samfundslitteratur 2003, s. 257-267
Paper presented at The 4th Triple Helix Conference, 2002
Paper presented at The 6th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness, 2002
København : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2002, 383 s. (Ph.D.-afhandling)
I: Det handler om tillid. red. /Anders Bordum; Søren Barlebo Wenneberg. København : Samfundslitteratur 2001, s. 112-126
København 2000, 22 s.
I: Børsen, 10.10.2024, s. 23
København : Kommunikationsforum 2023
I: Børsen, 30.3.2023, s. 7
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 2022
I: Tech Management, 25.11.2022
København : Teknologiens Mediehus 22.11.2022
Frederiksberg : CBS Sustainability 2021
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 9.4.2020
I: Børsen, 12.10.2018, s. 4
I: Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategy, Communication, Governance. . red. /Andreas Rasche; Mette Morsing; Jeremy Moon. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2017, s. 63-85
I: Politiken, 19.6.2016, s. 5
I: Politiken, 22.5.2016, s. 5
I: Ugeskrift for Laeger, Vol. 2016, Nr. 17, 12.8.2016
Frederiksberg : Centre for Corporate Responsibility, Copenhagen Business School 2015, 13 s.
I: Det svære valg: Udfordringer for den etiske forbruger. . red. /Sebastian Jon Holmen. København : Det Etiske Råd 2015, s. 103-113
I: CBS Sustainability Quarterly , Vol. 3, 10.2012, s. 10-11
I: Personalechefen: The human resource manager, Vol. 20, Nr. 6, 12.2011, s. 30-32
I: Magasinet Folkekirkens nødhjælp, Vol. 10, Nr. 4, 2010, s. 22
I: Miljoesk, Nr. 51, 2009, s. 13-15
I: Boersen, 2006