| Tax (dis)honesty in the digital economy: The case of Airbnb in Denmark | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-07-2021 |
| Transforming Business for the Post-Pandemic Society | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Public (International) | Afsluttet | 01-05-2021 |
| Exploring the interaction between Business & Development: The Garment Industry in Southern Africa and Enclave Development | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 04-12-2021 |
| SMV Due Diligence Standard | Institut for Regnskab | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-07-2021 |
| The Cybersecurity games | Institut for Digitalisering | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 03-01-2022 |
| Faglighed som fundament for engagement - CBS-studerende møder CSR-udfordringer gennem konkrete cases | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 03-01-2022 |
| EU Cyber Security Regulation: From Global Politics to Local Implementation | Institut for Digitalisering | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 11-11-2021 |
| Internationalization, strategy and emerging markets | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2022 |
| Danske Bank og danskerne 1871-2021 | Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-09-2022 |
| Craft: Making New Forms in a Broken World. | Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-07-2022 |
| Mitigating diversity barriers in growth potential and promotability of employees | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-09-2022 |
| EUopSTART - Traditional crafts for green and circular future | Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 01-11-2021 |
| Environmental Maritime Governance in Kenya (EMG-K): Policy, Practice and Prospects for the abatement of shipping air emissions | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | Public (National) | Igang | 01-03-2022 |
| Building sustainability competence in boards - ESG board methodology | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 31-12-2021 |
| Plasten i det cirkulära samhället: Alternativ organisering bortom resurseffektivitet | Institut for Organisation | Public (International) | Igang | 01-12-2021 |
| The "Beliefs Lab": Understanding the Evolution and Impact of Beliefs on the Economy | Økonomisk Institut | Public (National) | Igang | 01-01-2022 |
| Firm formalization and sustainable development | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | Public (National) | Igang | 01-01-2022 |
| The Effects of Research Funding on the Rate and Direction of Science | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | Public (National) | Igang | 01-09-2022 |
| The implications of large-scale grants for the university as an institutionalized organization | Institut for Organisation | Private (National) | Igang | 01-09-2022 |
| Developing Sustainable Business Models for Emerging Markets and Developing Countries – The case of Novo Nordisk (and Roche) engaging in sustainable business in the pharmaceutical industry in EMDCs. | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 08-09-2022 |
| PhD - Limited Diversity in Accounting Career Tracks | Institut for Regnskab | Private (National) | Igang | 01-09-2022 |
| Next Generation ejerledere | Økonomisk Institut | Private (National) | Igang | 01-01-2021 |
| Al Comparison and Reference Selection in Organizations | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | Public (International) | Igang | 01-11-2022 |
| Post-pandemic Poverty: Debt and the Feminisation of Finance in Marginal Sites | Institut for Organisation | Public (National) | Igang | 01-08-2022 |
| Center for Big Finance Data | Institut for Finansiering | Public (National) | Igang | 01-01-2023 |
| Ejerskab og ledelse i forburgerejede virksomheder | Institut for Regnskab | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-09-2022 |
| Paper-aThon in Digitization | Institut for Digitalisering | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 10-12-2022 |
| Fertility and Promotions: Academic Careers of Economists over 40 years in Denmark. | Økonomisk Institut | Private (International) | Afsluttet | 29-03-2022 |
| 1st Northern European Consumer Behavior Research Symposium | Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 07-04-2022 |
| Postdoc position - Albina Dioba | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (International) | Afsluttet | 07-11-2022 |