Ekstern finansiering

For at styrke CBS’ profil som en af de bedste forskningsinstitutioner, har CBS de senere år haft øget fokus på ekstern finansiering. CBS arbejder strategisk med at tiltrække forskningsbevillinger fra både offentlige og private bevillingsgivere nationalt og internationalt. Nedenfor finder du en oversigt over de eksternt finansierede projekter CBS har deltaget i de sidste fem år. For hvert projekt kan du klikke dig frem til information om hvilke CBS-forskere der er involveret, hvad formålet er med projektet, bevillingskilden og projektets løbetid.

Klik på en af kategorierne i den øverste menu, hvis du vil have listen sorteret anderledes.

AkronymTitelInstitutTypeStatussorter stigendeStart
PhD: International research and innovation collaboration between Europe and China: a comparative perspectiveInstitut for OrganisationPublic (National)Igang01-09-2023
Cybersecurity of supply chains: providing actionable guidance for SME’s Institut for Digitalisering Private (National)Igang01-09-2023
Connecting Copenhagen. Urban structure, policy spillovers, and well-beingØkonomisk InstitutPrivate (National)Igang01-07-2023
Forebyggelse og bedre behandling af komplikationer efter indsættelse af kunstigt knæledØkonomisk InstitutPrivate (National)Igang01-01-2023
Continuation and Extension of the Triple-I-Research Data BaseInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Igang01-04-2023
GC EDIHGreater Copenhagen European Digital Innovation HubInstitut for Digitalisering EU Igang01-08-2023
Øget regelefterlevelsen blandt små og mellemstore danske selskaberInstitut for RegnskabPublic (National)Igang01-06-2023
Foreign Visiting Professorship - Noam TractinskyInstitut for Digitalisering Private (National)Igang16-08-2024
SARU fellowship - Albina DiobaDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (National)Igang12-10-2023
Politiets håndtering af ofre for partnervoldInstitut for OrganisationPublic (National)Igang01-12-2023
Who will lead? Evidence on leadership exposure and gender gaps in aspirationsInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Igang25-09-2023
Markets, Policies, and Business Models for Green Fuels: PtX in Long-term Planning to Short-term Trading and Control, and from Demand to SupplyØkonomisk InstitutPublic (National)Igang01-01-2024
SECreTourSustainable, Engaging and CREative Tourism as a driver for a better future in rural and remote areasDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationEU Igang01-03-2024
MORALITESMoral Elites: The Historical Positioning of Civil Society Leaders in National Moral EconomiesDepartment of Business Humanities and LawEU Igang01-01-2024
EURIDICEEURopean Inclusive education for Digital society, social Innovation and global CitizEnshipDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationEU Igang01-01-2024
ROSETTAReducing food waste due to marketing standards through alternative market accessDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationEU Igang01-01-2024
D&I Interventions in the Construction Industry: Development, Implementation & EvaluationInstitut for OrganisationPublic (National)Igang01-01-2023
Wealth and Value in the Lithium ion Battery ChainInstitut for OrganisationPublic (National)Igang01-01-2024
Kraks Fond Professor of MarketingInstitut for AfsætningsøkonomiPrivate (National)Igang24-11-2023
Developing awareness around Indigenous Peoples’ rights among students in Danish UniversitiesDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPublic (National)Igang01-08-2023
Consuming @fterlife: How digital afterlife services change individual’s beliefs and practices related to their immortal selvesInstitut for AfsætningsøkonomiPublic (National)Igang01-02-2024
Frontiers of natural resource and sustainability governance for a just energy transitionDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (National)Igang01-04-2024
Human Capabilities in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Learning MachinesInstitut for Digitalisering Private (National)Igang01-09-2024
Women’s Employment Journey in Danish Multinational Enterprises in the Arab Middle EastDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Igang01-09-2024
Corporate Lobbying in the Long Run: Research Stay at Princeton University, USAInstitut for International Økonomi, Politik og BusinessPublic (National)Igang01-10-2024
STAidSexual Transgressions in Aid: Humanitarian Perceptions and Responses Institut for OrganisationPublic (National)Igang01-09-2023
International Tourism Analytics Group: Enhanced Data and Statistical Literacy for Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentInstitut for AfsætningsøkonomiEU Igang01-09-2023
MYCOFLAVORBioflavoring brewer’s spent grain by edible mushroom mycelium in solid-state fermentationsDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPublic (National)Igang01-02-2024
Magtudredningen 2.0Institut for OrganisationPublic (National)Igang01-01-2024
Inclusive Entrepreneurship: Women and Immigrant EntrepreneursInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Igang01-09-2023
