| Rally to the Valley: Establishing Hydrogen Value Chains for the Nordics | Økonomisk Institut | Public (International) | Igang | 01-03-2023 |
| Determinants and Consequences of Legislative Capacity | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Public (National) | Igang | 01-01-2024 |
| The Data Driven Home: A Study of the Socio-Material and Legal Construction of the 21st Century Home | Department of Business Humanities and Law | Public (National) | Igang | 01-07-2023 |
| The Many Faces of the Sherpas: The Discrete Pathfinders in the European Union | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 15-09-2023 |
| Governing Green Transition: Barriers and Enablers of Power Sector Reform in Indonesia | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Public (National) | Igang | 01-07-2023 |
| Future Strategies in Shipping: The case of Drycargo | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-09-2023 |
| Civil Diversitet | Department of Business Humanities and Law | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 12-04-2023 |
| Lifestyle & Design Cluster | Department of Business Humanities and Law | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2023 |
| PhD: International research and innovation collaboration between Europe and China: a comparative perspective | Institut for Organisation | Public (National) | Igang | 01-09-2023 |
| Initiate evaluation of OS I BRANCHEN (part I) | Økonomisk Institut | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2022 |
| Cybersecurity of supply chains: providing actionable guidance for SME’s | Institut for Digitalisering | Private (National) | Igang | 01-09-2023 |
| Connecting Copenhagen. Urban structure, policy spillovers, and well-being | Økonomisk Institut | Private (National) | Igang | 01-07-2023 |
| Forebyggelse og bedre behandling af komplikationer efter indsættelse af kunstigt knæled | Økonomisk Institut | Private (National) | Igang | 01-01-2023 |
| Continuation and Extension of the Triple-I-Research Data Base | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | Private (National) | Igang | 01-04-2023 |
| ESG Board Readiness - A New ESG Governance Tool | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 13-04-2023 |
| Øget regelefterlevelsen blandt små og mellemstore danske selskaber | Institut for Regnskab | Public (National) | Igang | 01-06-2023 |
| Formation of rape myths in policing. Research Stay at Harvard University | Institut for Organisation | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-09-2023 |
| The Science of doing Science: Research Partnership between Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Institute for Behavioral Economics at CBS and UChicago | Økonomisk Institut | Private (International) | Afsluttet | 10-10-2022 |
| Remote research - Vasyl Namoniuk | Økonomisk Institut | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 10-03-2023 |
| Conference participation abroad - Harvard | Institut for Organisation | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 23-08-2023 |
| Research Stay | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 27-09-2023 |
| Conference participation abroad | Institut for Organisation | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-09-2023 |
| Research stay Boston | Institut for Organisation | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-08-2023 |
| Research stay Stanford - Human-AI Collaboration: The Changing Nature of Academic Work | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-09-2023 |
| Quantitative Marketing Research Conference | Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 18-08-2023 |
| Field trip / Research Stay - Dario Pozzoli | Økonomisk Institut | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2024 |
| Foreign Visiting Professorship - Niels Hermes | Institut for Regnskab | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-04-2024 |
| Foreign Visiting Professorship - Dimo Dimov | Department of Business Humanities and Law | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-03-2024 |
| Foreign Visiting Professorship - Noam Tractinsky | Institut for Digitalisering | Private (National) | Igang | 16-08-2024 |
| Foreign Visiting Professorship - Anne Neumann | Økonomisk Institut | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-08-2024 |