Asia Research Community

Asia Research Community is a specialized research group within the Copenhagen Business School offering high-quality research and teaching in the field of Asian studies

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South East Asia
Southeast Asia research unit CBS
China research unit CBS
South Asia
South Asia research unit CBS
North East Asia
north east Asia research unit CBS

ARC is a specialized research group within Copenhagen Business School offering high-quality research on important aspects of the tectonic shifts in the global economy and the rise of Asia. The strength of our community is its broad range of disciplines and geographical competence. This is a core competence which sets ARC apart from research centers in Asian Studies in Europe and provides the basis for high-quality interdisciplinary research. We aim to undertake relevant research on challenges within the community’s particular areas of strengths on China, India, Japan, the Koreas and the region of Southeast Asia, especially Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.

ARC strives to provide up-to-date research and reliable analysis of current political, social, economic and business developments to understand and come to grips with the implications of the immense changes in the Asian region. Furthermore, we aspire to maintain CBS as a key research community for Asian studies in the Nordic region.

To do this we:

  • Deepen and upgrade Asia-related research activities at CBS as a whole and establish research projects and networks focusing on Asia, which have international reach and impact.
  • Contribute with research based educational inputs to the International Business in Asia (BSc.) Program and introduce relevant Asia-related materials in other courses at CBS, including Executive Education.
  • Disseminate our results to the international research community, to the business world and to the public.
The page was last edited by: Department of International Economics, Government and Business // 01/14/2025