Se CBS-studerendes specialer

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Image of the search box at student theses

Picture: Image of the search box on the Student theses portal.

Online student theses from CBS

Since 2009 CBS Library has collected and published final theses online on Student Theses
Student Theses allows you to search and browse non-confidential Copenhagen Business School diploma, master, and executive master theses.

If you are looking to find theses from a specific programme you can search for the programme in quotation marks e.g. "msc in international business and politics".
All available theses have obtained a pass but information about specific marks is not available.

Bachelor theses are not part of the database.

Go to Student Theses

Theses before 2009

If you are looking for theses older than 2009, just go to Libsearch, the CBS Library catalogue, enter the topic of interest and add filters from the right hand menu e.g. graduate theses.
Go to Libsearch

Theses from other universities

In our Libguide on Theses and Dissertations you'll find a collection of links to other universities that have similar theses collections.

PhD theses

You can also explore PhD theses written at CBS in the CBS Research Portal. 
Link to PhD's in CBS Research Portal

The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 10/31/2023