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  1. Research

    At the Department of Digitalization, each of our faculty members aim to publish his/her work in journals that are highly regarded within our field. Through the past years, CBS' research has been published in the eight most trendsetting academic journals in the cross field between IT and business. In the latest ranking, the "Top Rankings of Schools in Bo8 journals", which covers the past three years, CBS is number one in Europe and number 4 in the world...
  2. Filming and photographing on campus

    You need a permission via email if you wish to make an interview, photograph, record and film on campus. A permission ensures that you can work in peace, that relevant staff such as porters are informed in advance, and that students and employees are inconvenienced as little as possible. Please note that private individuals who are filming or taking photos for social media or the like also are subject to rules...
  3. PhD Programme

    When PhD positions become available, the advertisements will include details of online briefing sessions, so as to address practical questions about the application proposal and consider the research project ideas that might prove credible.CBS PhD School: to a CBS PhD: PhD Coordinator – Eddie Ashbee (ea.egb@cbs...

    It is currently seeing rapidly increasing uptake worldwide, with a global workforce in the hundreds of thousands and estimated annual growth of 50% between 2018 and 2020  ( In contrast to conventional workspaces, platforms usually do not provide training and skill development opportunities to their workers, shifting this responsibility entirely to the individual...
