| Nordic Network on Energy System Integration and Sustainable Transport | Økonomisk Institut | Public (International) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2022 |
NotaBENe | Nordic-Baltic-NW Russia Cooperation | Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi | Public (International) | Igang | 20-10-2010 |
N2N 2017 | North2North 2017 | Copenhagen Business School | Private (International) | Igang | 15-02-2018 |
N2N 2018 | North2North 2018 | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (International) | Igang | 15-02-2018 |
| Novo Nordisks historie | Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-06-2020 |
| Nye former for deltagelse i miljø og klima - civilsamfundets erfaringer | Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 04-04-2022 |
| Når patientforløbet flytter ind: Den psykosociale organisering af patientforløb for kræftpatienter | Copenhagen Business School | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-04-2020 |
| Operative fictions: hvordan populærkulturel fiktion reelt udmønter sig i virkeligheden | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2020 |
| Organisering af samarbejde mellem grundskoler og erhvervsliv i Danmark | Institut for Organisation | Public (National) | Igang | 01-01-2023 |
| Organisering av utrikesföddas arbetsmarknadsintegration: teori och praktik | Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi | Public (International) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2017 |
| Otto Mønsted Gæstprofessorat - Donald Tomaskovic-Devey | Institut for Organisation | Private (National) | Igang | 03-06-2018 |
| Otto Mønsted Gæstprofessorat - Mary Uhl-Bien | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (National) | Igang | 03-06-2018 |
| Otto Mønsted Visiting Professorship - Martyna Sliwa | Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 15-09-2022 |
| Otto Mønsted Visiting Professorships - Jos van Ommeren | Økonomisk Institut | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-05-2022 |
| Otto Mønsteds Visiting Professorships: Tomoko Kawakami | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 15-09-2022 |
| Overcoming Misperceptions to Increase the Impact of Individual Climate Action | Copenhagen Business School | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2023 |
| Paper-aThon in Digitization | Institut for Digitalisering | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 10-12-2022 |
| Parent's Specialization: Causes and Consequences | Økonomisk Institut | Public (National) | Igang | 01-09-2021 |
PatientEntrepreneur | Patient Innovation Bootcamp: Boosting Patient Entrepreneurship | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | EU | Igang | 01-01-2023 |
| Patient Innovation Bootcamp: Boosting Patient Entrepreneurship | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | EU | Igang | 01-01-2023 |
| Peace Positive Private Sector Development in Africa | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Public (International) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2022 |
| Permahaven: Læring om bæredygtighed i fællesskab | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 14-12-2022 |
PreCare Phase II | Personaliseret sundhedsinnovation: Nye servicemodeller til forebyggende pleje for ældre og borgere med kroniske lidelser | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2020 |
| PhD Mikkel Munksgaard | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 01-05-2020 |
| PhD Pernille Slot, Advokatsamfundet | Institut for Organisation | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2021 |
| PhD: International research and innovation collaboration between Europe and China: a comparative perspective | Institut for Organisation | Public (National) | Igang | 01-09-2023 |
| Plasten i det cirkulära samhället: Alternativ organisering bortom resurseffektivitet | Institut for Organisation | Public (International) | Igang | 01-12-2021 |
PIN | Platform Intelligence in News | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 01-10-2020 |
| Politics of the European Green Deal: What is the role of missions? | Institut for Organisation | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2022 |
| Politiets håndtering af ofre for partnervold | Institut for Organisation | Public (National) | Igang | 01-12-2023 |