| The Future of Cultural Policy | Department of Business Humanities and Law | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 01-02-2023 |
EUSOCIALCIT | The Future of European Social Citizenship | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | EU | Afsluttet | 01-02-2020 |
| The Great Integration - Global Shipping in the Digital Age | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 10-10-2022 |
| The Hidden Costs of Supply Chains | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (International) | Igang | 01-02-2020 |
| The International Conference on Information Systems | Institut for Digitalisering | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 11-12-2022 |
| The Many Faces of the Sherpas: The Discrete Pathfinders in the European Union | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 15-09-2023 |
| The Parameters of Terror: The Copenhagen Shootings and the Renegotiations of Danish Cultural Codes in the Civil Sphere, 2015-2020 | Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2021 |
| The Politics of Comparison: When States Compete in Sport | Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi | Public (National) | Afsluttet | 01-10-2021 |
| The Science of doing Science: Research Partnership between Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Institute for Behavioral Economics at CBS and UChicago | Økonomisk Institut | Private (International) | Afsluttet | 10-10-2022 |
TAXLAW | The authority of expertise in professional tax law practice | Institut for Organisation | Public (International) | Igang | 01-05-2021 |
| The firm in the informal economy | Institut for Strategi og Globalisering | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2018 |
| The implications of large-scale grants for the university as an institutionalized organization | Institut for Organisation | Private (National) | Igang | 01-09-2022 |
PACSMAC | The paradoxes of climate-smart coffee | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (National) | Igang | 01-01-2021 |
| The political economy of value: What wine teaches us about the global economy and its inequalities | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-08-2023 |
| Tietgenprisen 2016, Marcus Møller Larsen | Institut for Strategi og Globalisering | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-05-2017 |
TWINSEEDS | Towards a World Integrated and Socio-economically Balanced European Economic Development Scenario | Institut for Strategi og Innovation | EU | Igang | 01-10-2022 |
| Towards a socially just transition in the Arctic: Exploring, theorizing and disseminating best practice in meaningful stakeholder engagement for communities | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Public (International) | Afsluttet | 01-06-2021 |
CREAITE | Transformative Technologies, Creativity, and Value Creation in the Cultural Sector | Department of Business Humanities and Law | Public (International) | Igang | 01-01-2025 |
| Transforming Business for the Post-Pandemic Society | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Public (International) | Afsluttet | 01-05-2021 |
| Travel Stay - Monash University | Institut for Organisation | Private (National) | Igang | 13-09-2024 |
TITAN | Turning Theory into Action : Undesirable Consequences of Implementing Organization and Management Theory | Institut for Organisation | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2021 |
| Tycoon Candidates: Why Wealthy Business Candidates Get Elected for Office and How it Matters | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Public (National) | Igang | 01-01-2023 |
| Tysk-dansk forsknings- og doktorgradsprogram om fremtiden for supply chains | Institut for Produktion og Erhvervsøkonomi | Public (International) | Afsluttet | 01-09-2019 |
| Udenlandsk udvekslings dynamikker døgnet rundt | Institut for Finansiering | Public (National) | Igang | 05-10-2018 |
| Ukraines Politiske Økonomi: Oligarkers og Virksomheders Politiske Indflydelse før og under Krigen | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Public (National) | Igang | 01-01-2025 |
| Uncovering the origins and evolution of behavioral biases | Økonomisk Institut | Private (National) | Igang | 01-01-2025 |
CF Future | Unlocking the full potential of conservation finance | Department of Management, Society and Communication | Private (National) | Afsluttet | 01-07-2022 |
| Unpacking the contention between openness and security in the Nordic region: Digital public surveillance practices at three state borders. | Institut for Organisation | Public (International) | Igang | 01-01-2022 |
| User-Centric Innovation and Governance of Prosumers | Institut for Digitalisering | Public (International) | Afsluttet | 01-01-2021 |
| Using virtual reality technology to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace | Institut for International Økonomi, Politik og Business | Private (National) | Igang | 01-01-2025 |