
  • 28.08.2024

    Inaugural reception: Winds of Change

    New president Peter Møllgaard's inauguration reception today was marked by speeches that highlighted the significant changes and challenges facing the world today – but also the opportunities.
  • 27.08.2024

    Choose to be part of CBS

    This year's study start campaign welcomes all new students to CBS with the hope that they will involve themselves both socially and academically. We do this by drawing attention to the possibilities for making choices in their daily life, under the heading "Choose to".
  • 26.07.2024

    ADMISSION 2024: At CBS you will learn more than business

    Just after midnight, 3265 young people have been offered a study place at CBS. In the years to come they will develop a distinct CBS profile that encompasses not only academic competences but also the ability to contribute to innovative solutions to society’s challenges.
  • 16.07.2024

    Experts of the future: From musician to researcher

    ‘Experts of the future’ is a brief series showcasing some of our early-career researchers at CBS. What is their field of research and who are they? Today you can meet PhD student Julian Gerard Blaauw-Mølbæk from the Department of International Economics, Government and Business.
  • 05.07.2024

    18,608 applicants for CBS’ bachelor programmes this year

    CBS has received 8 percent more 1st priority applications compared to last year. President Peter Møllgaard is pleased with the many applicants but emphasises that there are many paths to an interesting and meaningful working life.
  • 03.07.2024

    Cash or card?

    The thousand kroner bank note is being phased out as new bank notes are on the way. But in actual fact that process will help speed up the digital economy, says CBS professor
