CBS in June

How do we create sustainability through partnerships? A number of companies, politicians and researchers will share their thoughts on this subject, including the American philosopher Edward Freeman, known by most people who know about stakeholder theory. This is one of many events at CBS in June, which also includes plenty of PhD defences, a workshop on e-export, a seminar on social media impact on our health and CBS’ summer university which is attended by more than 70 different nationalities.



Photo: Shutterstock

Learn more about social media’s consequences for our health 

Friday 1 June 2018, 09:00-13:30
Kilevej 14, Ks.43, 2000 Frederiksberg
How may social media impact our health? Join the seminar ”Big Social Data Analytics for Public Health: Research and Practice”, which will focus on data on vaccination discourse on social media and strategies for public health organisations’ image content strategy for social media. 

Meet CBS at Folkemødet – The People's Political Festival in 2018

Friday 08 June 2018, 08:30-16:15
Solbjerg Plads 3, SPs05, 2000 Frederiksberg 
You are invited to an award cremony at Solbjerg Plads where the most promising PhD students in finance are presented with The AQR Top Finance Graduate Award for their research. The winning PhDs represent Harvard, Stanford, MIT and CBS. CBS is represented by Niels Joachim Gormsen. The award recipients will present their research, which may influence further financial practice and academia.

Conference on sustainability through partnerships

Sunday 10 June 2018, 09:00 – Tuesday 12 June 2018, 17:00
How can partnerships contribute to solving social and environmental problems in society? This is the focus of an international conference held in collaboration with the Danish Chamber of Commerce. 
The speakers include Connie Hedegaard, Christian Friis Bach and Edward Freeman, American philosopher and author of Stakeholder Theory: The State of the Art. Different companies will also share their experience with partnership projects. 
Flemming Poulfelt

Join the debate on the Danish Management Commission's recommendations for public leaders

Wednesday 20 June 2018, 15:00-17:00
Dalgas Have 15, SV033, 2000 Frederiksberg
On 12 June, the Danish Management Commission is going to reveal their recommendations for how management quality is boosted in the public sector. The recommendations and whether they will have a real effect will be scrutinised during a panel debate at the event.  
The panel members are: 
Jesper Fisker (Managing Director of the Danish Cancer Society)
Lars Falk (Facility Manager at Bispebjerg Hospital)
Alfred Josefsen (consultant, member of the CBS Board of Directors and member of the Management Commission)
Flemming Poulfelt (professor at CBS)
The event is free of charge. Please register at:
Photo: Shutterstock

Get off to a good start with e-export 

Thursday 14 June 2018, 09:00-11:30
Howitzvej 50, 2000 Frederiksberg 
Where do you start if you want to take your sales abroad? Become inspired and listen to experts in current e-commerce trends on this inspirational day on e-export organised by The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and CBS. 
Folkemøde 2017
Photo: Jørn Albertus 

Meet CBS at Folkemødet – The People's Political Festival in 2018

14 June – 15 June 2018
Once again, CBS puts topics of relevance to society on the agenda at various events at the People’s Political Festival at Bornholm. Listen to CBS Head of HR Anders Lauesen discuss paternity leave and CBS Professor Ole Bjerg talk about e-kroner, Bitcoin and old-fashioned physical money.
Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy 

Students of 70 different nationalities participate in CBS’ summer university programme

23. juni – 3. august 2018
CBS’ summer university starts in June. More than 2000 students have signed up for the 50 courses offered at CBS this summer. CBS students as well as a large number of international students have chosen to spend a part of their summer holiday at CBS. More than 70 nationalities are represented. 
The summer university (ISUP) starts with the ”Welcome Day” on Saturday 23 June and the ”Introduction Day” for international students on Monday 25 June. In addition to studying, ISUP will also offer social events, including excursions, parties and other events. 


PhD defences in June:

Tuesday 12 June 2018, 13:00 – 15:00
Solbjerg 3 (SPs13), 2000 Frederiksberg 
Friday 1 June 2018, 15:00 – 17:00
The Warehouse, Porcelænshaven 20, 2000 Frederiksberg
Wednesday 06 June 2018, 13:00 – 15:00 
Kilevej 14A (ks71), 2000 Frederiksberg 

Friday 15 June 2018, 10:00 - 12:00
The Warehouse, Porcelænshaven 20, 2000 Frederiksberg
The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020