| Conference participation abroad | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Finished | 01-09-2023 |
| Research stay Boston | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Finished | 01-08-2023 |
| Foreign Visiting Professorship - Christine Williams | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Finished | 01-05-2024 |
| Foreign Visiting Professorship - Karen Lee Ashcraft | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Finished | 15-08-2024 |
| Politiets håndtering af ofre for partnervold | Department of Organization | Public (National) | Running | 01-12-2023 |
| D&I Interventions in the Construction Industry: Development, Implementation & Evaluation | Department of Organization | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| Wealth and Value in the Lithium ion Battery Chain | Department of Organization | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2024 |
STAid | Sexual Transgressions in Aid: Humanitarian Perceptions and Responses | Department of Organization | Public (National) | Running | 01-09-2023 |
| 2023 Workshop in Post-Growth Bureaucracies | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Finished | 18-08-2023 |
| Magtudredningen 2.0 | Department of Organization | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2024 |
RECORD | Record Keeping in Frontline Work: Balancing Bureaucratic, Professional and Relational Concerns | Department of Organization | Public (National) | Running | 01-08-2024 |
| Research stay and fieldwork at Stanford University Autumn 2024 | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Running | 29-05-2024 |
| Building Research on Artificial Intelligence for Innovation | Department of Organization | Public (National) | Running | 01-02-2024 |
| Travel Stay - Monash University | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Running | 13-09-2024 |
| Six-month research stay at Monash University, Australia | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Running | 01-01-2025 |
| Documenting Workplace Inequality using Linked-Employer-Employee data | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Running | 01-01-2025 |
| Research Stay at Stanford University, January to June 2025 | Department of Organization | Private (National) | Running | 01-01-2025 |
fMRI | Entrepreneurs' Cognition and Perception of Risk and Ambiguity - Event-Related fMRI | Department of Strategic Management and Globalization | Public (National) | Finished | 01-08-2017 |
| Tietgen award 2016, Marcus Møller Larsen | Department of Strategic Management and Globalization | Private (National) | Finished | 01-05-2017 |
| The firm in the informal economy | Department of Strategic Management and Globalization | Private (National) | Finished | 01-01-2018 |
| Crowdfunding for Youth Entrepreneurship in Tanzania | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Public (National) | Finished | 24-08-2018 |
MADE FAST | MADE Flexible, Agile, Sustainable manufacturing enabled by Talented employees | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Multiple financing sources | Running | 01-01-2020 |
| Financial Analysts, Corporate Science, and Product Market Strategy. | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Public (National) | Finished | 01-07-2020 |
AURORA | Aurora Alliance | Department of Strategy and Innovation | EU | Finished | 26-02-2020 |
| Maritime Research Alliance | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (National) | Finished | 01-06-2020 |
| Datadreven kundeindsigt | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (National) | Finished | 01-01-2021 |
| Releasing the power of users | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Public (International) | Finished | 01-10-2019 |
| Maritime Digital Business Models | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (National) | Running | 01-07-2021 |
| Learning Entrepreneurship From my Neighbors: Refugee Migration and Entrepreneurship in Denmark | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Public (National) | Finished | 01-07-2021 |
| Tax (dis)honesty in the digital economy: The case of Airbnb in Denmark | Department of Strategy and Innovation | Private (National) | Finished | 01-07-2021 |