External funding

To strengthen CBS 'profile as one of the best research institutions, CBS has in recent years increased its focus on external funding. CBS works strategically to attract research grants from both public and private funding bodies in Denmark and internationally. Below is a list of the externally financed research projects CBS has participated in the last five years. By clicking on each of projects you will find information on which CBS researchers are involved, the scope of the project, the funding source and the time frame for the project.

Click on one of the categories listed in the top menu if you want the list sorted differently.

AcronymTitleDepartment sort descendingTypeStatusStart
Conference participation abroadDepartment of OrganizationPrivate (National)Finished01-09-2023
Research stay BostonDepartment of OrganizationPrivate (National)Finished01-08-2023
Foreign Visiting Professorship - Christine WilliamsDepartment of OrganizationPrivate (National)Finished01-05-2024
Foreign Visiting Professorship - Karen Lee AshcraftDepartment of OrganizationPrivate (National)Finished15-08-2024
Politiets håndtering af ofre for partnervoldDepartment of OrganizationPublic (National)Running01-12-2023
D&I Interventions in the Construction Industry: Development, Implementation & EvaluationDepartment of OrganizationPublic (National)Running01-01-2023
Wealth and Value in the Lithium ion Battery ChainDepartment of OrganizationPublic (National)Running01-01-2024
STAidSexual Transgressions in Aid: Humanitarian Perceptions and Responses Department of OrganizationPublic (National)Running01-09-2023
2023 Workshop in Post-Growth BureaucraciesDepartment of OrganizationPrivate (National)Finished18-08-2023
Magtudredningen 2.0Department of OrganizationPublic (National)Running01-01-2024
RECORDRecord Keeping in Frontline Work: Balancing Bureaucratic, Professional and Relational ConcernsDepartment of OrganizationPublic (National)Running01-08-2024
Research stay and fieldwork at Stanford University Autumn 2024Department of OrganizationPrivate (National)Running29-05-2024
Building Research on Artificial Intelligence for InnovationDepartment of OrganizationPublic (National)Running01-02-2024
Travel Stay - Monash UniversityDepartment of OrganizationPrivate (National)Running13-09-2024
Six-month research stay at Monash University, AustraliaDepartment of OrganizationPrivate (National)Running01-01-2025
Documenting Workplace Inequality using Linked-Employer-Employee dataDepartment of OrganizationPrivate (National)Running01-01-2025
Research Stay at Stanford University, January to June 2025Department of OrganizationPrivate (National)Running01-01-2025
fMRIEntrepreneurs' Cognition and Perception of Risk and Ambiguity - Event-Related fMRIDepartment of Strategic Management and GlobalizationPublic (National)Finished01-08-2017
Tietgen award 2016, Marcus Møller LarsenDepartment of Strategic Management and GlobalizationPrivate (National)Finished01-05-2017
The firm in the informal economyDepartment of Strategic Management and GlobalizationPrivate (National)Finished01-01-2018
Crowdfunding for Youth Entrepreneurship in TanzaniaDepartment of Strategy and InnovationPublic (National)Finished24-08-2018
MADE FASTMADE Flexible, Agile, Sustainable manufacturing enabled by Talented employeesDepartment of Strategy and InnovationMultiple financing sourcesRunning01-01-2020
Financial Analysts, Corporate Science, and Product Market Strategy.Department of Strategy and InnovationPublic (National)Finished01-07-2020
AURORAAurora AllianceDepartment of Strategy and InnovationEU Finished26-02-2020
Maritime Research AllianceDepartment of Strategy and InnovationPrivate (National)Finished01-06-2020
Datadreven kundeindsigtDepartment of Strategy and InnovationPrivate (National)Finished01-01-2021
Releasing the power of usersDepartment of Strategy and InnovationPublic (International)Finished01-10-2019
Maritime Digital Business ModelsDepartment of Strategy and InnovationPrivate (National)Running01-07-2021
Learning Entrepreneurship From my Neighbors: Refugee Migration and Entrepreneurship in DenmarkDepartment of Strategy and InnovationPublic (National)Finished01-07-2021
Tax (dis)honesty in the digital economy: The case of Airbnb in DenmarkDepartment of Strategy and InnovationPrivate (National)Finished01-07-2021
