External funding

To strengthen CBS 'profile as one of the best research institutions, CBS has in recent years increased its focus on external funding. CBS works strategically to attract research grants from both public and private funding bodies in Denmark and internationally. Below is a list of the externally financed research projects CBS has participated in the last five years. By clicking on each of projects you will find information on which CBS researchers are involved, the scope of the project, the funding source and the time frame for the project.

Click on one of the categories listed in the top menu if you want the list sorted differently.

AcronymTitleDepartment sort descendingTypeStatusStart
E&S Disclosure Mandates and Political IdeologyDepartment of AccountingPrivate (National)Running19-08-2024
Analyse af den danske universitetssektors styrings- og finansieringsstruktur Department of AccountingPublic (National)Finished01-10-2024
Nordic Finance and the Good Society _ NFGSDepartment of AccountingPrivate (International)Running19-08-2024
The Future of Cultural PolicyDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPublic (National)Finished01-02-2023
INFORMALITYRe-Imagining Informality: Theorizing Informal Entrepreneurship and Economic Change in Transition Era China (1970s–1980s)Department of Business Humanities and LawEU Running01-06-2023
Eliteforsker 2023 - Travel grantDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPublic (National)Finished01-01-2023
Eliteforsker Prisen 2023Department of Business Humanities and LawPublic (National)Running01-01-2023
The Data Driven Home: A Study of the Socio-Material and Legal Construction of the 21st Century HomeDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPublic (National)Running01-07-2023
Civil DiversitetDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Finished12-04-2023
Lifestyle & Design ClusterDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPublic (National)Finished01-01-2023
Foreign Visiting Professorship - Dimo DimovDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Finished01-03-2024
9th Annual Meeting of the Danish Society for Economic and Social HistoryDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Finished01-11-2023
MORALITESMoral Elites: The Historical Positioning of Civil Society Leaders in National Moral EconomiesDepartment of Business Humanities and LawEU Running01-01-2024
Sustainable and Flexible Food FutureDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPublic (National)Finished31-10-2023
Women’s Employment Journey in Danish Multinational Enterprises in the Arab Middle EastDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Running01-09-2024
The Entrepreneurial Age: Rethinking Entrepreneurship in SocietyDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Running01-06-2023
How to achieve higher real investments, higher growth, and more jobs in 2030 given the current discussions vis-à-vis international tax standards.Department of Business Humanities and LawPublic (International)Finished22-05-2024
Samspil mellem det boligsociale og det boligcivile: Genealogiske analyser af boligorganiserende infrastrukturDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Running29-05-2024
Konferencebidrag - "The Gender Conference, 2024"Department of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Finished01-09-2024
Gunnar Larsen 1902-73: Erhvervsleder og minister. En biografiDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Running27-06-2024
Research Stay Australia 2024-2025Department of Business Humanities and LawPublic (National)Running01-11-2024
Konferencebidrag "The Gender Conference 2024"Department of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Running15-10-2024
Congress Participation - International Workshop on Craft and Emerging Forms of Organizing, JapanDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPrivate (National)Running18-03-2024
CREAITETransformative Technologies, Creativity, and Value Creation in the Cultural SectorDepartment of Business Humanities and LawPublic (International)Running01-01-2025
CivSam1Centre for Civil Society StudiesDepartment of Business and PoliticsPrivate (National)Finished15-05-2012
Payment CharacteristicsPayment Characteristics: Development of a SurveyDepartment of DigitalizationEU Running18-05-2016
Rio til RoskildeRio til Roskilde 2017 – BIG DATADepartment of DigitalizationPrivate (National)Running26-06-2017
Blockchain and the Trustless SocietyDepartment of DigitalizationPublic (National)Running25-02-2019
Global E-Eksport af Services og Tjenesteydelser (GEES)How can companies sell complex services via global online market places in a platform economyDepartment of DigitalizationPrivate (National)Finished01-01-2019
ABCDAdvancing Blockchain Commerce for Danish Design Department of DigitalizationPrivate (National)Running01-09-2019
