Economist, The comprises the print version of The Economist. Select "Current Edition" for access to the latest issue. The Economist covers politics, current affairs, as well as all aspects of world business and trade.

Economist, The comprises the print version of The Economist. Select "Current Edition" for access to the latest issue. The Economist covers politics, current affairs, as well as all aspects of world business and trade.

The Economist contents

Politics, current affairs, as well as all aspects of world business and trade.
For access to the latest issue, select "Current Edition". When you have chosen the “Current edition” section, you also have access to “Previous editions”. Here you have access to Economist issues from 1997 and forward.

Hints from the librarian 

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The Economist facts

Geography Global 
Provider The Economist


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 01/28/2025