CBS in February

Read more about this month’s activities here. How can smart technologies and big data create more sustainable buildings and cities? What to expect from the new government in Brazil? Are you unaware of your privileges? - familiarise yourself with them at a workshop when CBS celebrates Winter Pride 2019. February is also the month where our current President at CBS Per Holten-Andersen steps down from his position after seven years, which is marked by a symposium.


Symposion for rektor Per Holten-Andersen
Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

Symposium for President Per Holten-Andersen

Wednesday 27 February 2019,15:00-18:00, Porcelænshaven 20, Kiln Hall, 2000 Frederiksberg

Per Holten-Andersen steps down as president of CBS after seven years. As a tribute to the President and his tremendous contributions, CBS holds a symposium and a farewell reception. The symposium will focus on the relationship between universities and democratic societies. The questions will be discussed by a panel consisting of Professor Paul du Gay (CBS), Lisbeth Knudsen (CEO & Editor in Chief, Mandag Morgen), Professor David Lando (CBS) and Sofie Carsten Nielsen (Member of Parliament and former minister). The Minister for Higher Education and Science Tommy Ahlers will open the symposium.

Register for the event here


Hvordan kan intelligente teknologier gøre bygninger og byer mere bæredygtige?
Photo: Shutterstock

How can smart technologies create more sustainable buildings and cities?

Wednesday 20 February 2019, 15:00-17:00, Dalgas Have (room DH 2Ø.071), 2000 Frederiksberg

Digital thermostats, automatic ventilation and home assistants like Alexia and Google Assistant. These are all examples of smart technologies which can contribute to a more sustainable buildings by reducing the energy consumption and improving the indoor climate. Meet assistant professor at CBS Lara Hale who studies business models for smart buildings. External associate professor at CBS Per Østergaard Jacobsen will give a presentation on Big Data and intelligent cities. The name of the event is “Sustainability Seminar - Big Data and Smart Technologies” and is hosted by the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility.

Read more about the seminar ”Big data and Smart Technologies”

Hvad kan vi forvente af den nye regering i Brasilien?
Photo: Shutterstock

What to expect from the new government in Brazil?

Thursday 7 February, 16:15-18:15, Dalgas Have 15 (DSC.033), 2000 Frederiksberg

Jair Bolsonaro became president of Brazil on 1 January 2019. Bolsonaro is former captain in the army and supporter of Brazil’s military dictatorship from 1964 to 1985. Which political and financial reforms are in sight with Bolsonaro as president? At the seminar, the political and financial changes in Brazil will be presented and discussed in relation to their potential impact on Denmark’s export to the country. The speakers include assistant professor at CBS Jacobo Ramirez, ambassador of the Danish embassy in Brazil Nicolai Prytz, postdoc at the Univeristy of Southern Denmark Marie Kolling and chief advisor from the Confederation of Danish Industry Peter Bay Kirkegaard. Latin America Business Forum is hosting the event.

Read more about the seminar here
Register no later than Monday 4 February via the link here

Geert Bouckaert
Photo: KU Leuven Public Governance Institute

Expert in public reforms across countries visits CBS

Friday 8 February 2019, 09:00-10:30, Dalgas Have (D1V89), 2000 Frederiksberg

Professor at the Belgian university KU Leuven Geert Bouckaert is famous for his comparisons of reforms in the public sector of different countries. According to Google Scholar, his research has been cited more than 20,000 times, and programmes in public management often include his books in syllabus. Bouckaert now visits CBS in connection with his talk “New Reforms for New Problems, an international context”. The talk is organised by the Master of Public Governance, CBS.

Read more about the event here

 Bliv bevidst om dine skjulte privilegier til workshop under CBS Winter Pride 2019
Photo: Liza Dava

Become aware of your hidden privileges at a workshop during CBS Winter Pride 2019

Friday 8 February 2019, 16:00-18:00, Solbjerg Plads 3 (SPs05), 2000 Frederiksberg

Last summer, CBS participated in the LGBT-festival Copenhagen Pride and will now also take part in the winter edition Winter Pride 2019. You can attend a GenderLab. The concept is interactive and will take you through different exercises that activate unconscious prejudices, privileges and hidden norms. The organisers are CBS’ research platform Diversity and Difference, represented by PhD fellow Jannick Friis Christensen, and KVINFO, the Danish centre for study of and work with issues relating to gender, equality and diversity. Jannick Friis Christensen is occupied with diversity and inclusion practices in modern organisations with a view to develop management tools which, for instance, prevent exclusion and discrimination in the workplace. The workshop is followed by a party.

Read more about the workshop here

Mød 38 virksomheder på CBS

Meet 38 companies at CBS

Wednesday 6 February 2019, 10:00-16:00, Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg

You can meet 38 different companies at Career Fair 2019 on 6 February. The companies are ready to answer questions at their stand on campus. Among the 38 companies, you can meet representatives from Mærsk, Deloitte, Falck, Google and Novo Nordisk. The day will include a number of business presentations, where 11 companies will tell more about who they are, their culture, and what they can offer you.

Read more here
Register here


Kom til åbent hus for to efteruddannelser
Photo: Graduate from Master of Public Governance. Photographer: Kim Vadskær.

Information meetings for two executive degrees

Master of Public Governance: Tuesday 26 February 2019, 17:00-18:30
Master of Business Development: Wednesday 27 February 2019, 17:00-18:15

CBS holds a number of Open Days events during February. If you are interested in continuing education, you are welcome to attend the information meetings on Master of Public Governance and Master of Business Development.

Read more about the information meeting for Master of Public Governance here

Read more about the information meeting for Master of Business Development here


Kom til åbent hus for bachelor- og kandidatstuderende
Photo: Jakob Boserup

Come to Open Days for bachelor and master students

For masters: Thursday 7 February 2019, 10:30-16:00
For bachelors: Thursday 21 February 2019, 10:45-16:45

CBS holds Open Days for the bachelor programmes on 7 February and for the master programmes on 21 February. As a potential future bachelor or master student, you can get more information on the different programmes during these events. You can also get answers on academic and social questions as both student guidance counsellors and students are present to share their knowledge.

Read more about Open Days for bachelors here
Read more about Open Days for masters here


PhD defence

Kalina Stefanova Staykova: Generative Mechanisms for Digital Platform Ecosystem Evolution.
On: 8 February, 13:00-15:00, Kilevej 14A (room K15), 2000 Frederiksberg
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The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/01/2019