Department of Operations Management
Associate professor
Sof Thrane is an Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School. Sof performs research in management accounting focusing on pricing, control of innovation, and performance management in supply chains. Research is problem driven and mainly performed in collaboration with industry. Sof Thrane has published in journals such as Accounting Organization and Society, Journal of Accounting and Organisational Change, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Management Accounting Research, Research Policy, and Scandinavian Journal of Management. Sof has held the position of head of the PhD School in Business and Management (2008-2016) and is currently academic director of the Master in Business Development (MBD)
Primary research areas
- Pricing
- Control of innovative processes
- Control of supply chains
Link to this homepage
- Pricing, MBD.
- Pricing, Bachelor elective.
- Management control and finance in the bio industry. CM BBIP.
- Management control and financing of innovation. HD innovation management.
- Styring af økonomi og incitamenter. MPG.
- Mastermodul. MPG.
- Ph.D and Master thesis supervision.
- Assistant professorship supervisor (pedagogical supervision).
Other teaching activities
- Academic Director master in business development
- Teacher on Assistant professorship program
Publications sorted by:
Sof Thrane; Lars Balslev; Ivar Friis / The Embedded Construction of Price Fairness Evaluations : A Case Study of Air Greenland.
In: Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2024, p. 150-175
In: Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2024, p. 150-175
Journal article > peer review
Wiktoria Salwa; Sof Thrane / The Co-Evolution of Digital, Commercial, and Transformational Practices : Unfolding the Digital....
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2023, 1 p., p. 2277 (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2023, 1 p., p. 2277 (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Lars Balslev; Sof Thrane; Ivar Friis / Information Technology Systems Implementation and Processes of Integration and Disintegration : Case Study Evidence from Air Greenland.
In: Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2022, p. 419-439
In: Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2022, p. 419-439
Journal article > peer review
Jan Mouritsen; Isabel Pedraza-Acosta; Sof Thrane / Performance, Risk, and Overflows : When Are Multiple Management Control Practices Related?.
In: Management Accounting Research, Vol. 55, 6.2022
In: Management Accounting Research, Vol. 55, 6.2022
Journal article > peer review
Ivar Friis; Kim Sundtoft Hald; Sof Thrane / Challenges in Accounting for Cost Based Outsourcing : Evidence from a Manufacturing Firm.
Paper presented at The 28th International Annual EurOMA Conference 2021, 2021
Paper presented at The 28th International Annual EurOMA Conference 2021, 2021
Paper > peer review
Martin Jarmatz; Sof Thrane; Giulio Zichella / Kontrol af prisfastsættelsen via udvikling af prispolitikker
In: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 89, No. 1, 2020, p. 52-57
In: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 89, No. 1, 2020, p. 52-57
Journal article > peer review
Sof Thrane; Martin Jarmatz; Michael Fetahi Laursen; Katrine Kornmaaler / A Practice-based Approach to Collective Decision-making in Pricing
In: Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2019, p. 117-143
In: Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2019, p. 117-143
Journal article > peer review
Sof Thrane; Martin Jarmatz / Pricing management : Information, koordination og kontrol.
In: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 88, No. 4, 4.2019, p. 36-47
In: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 88, No. 4, 4.2019, p. 36-47
Journal article > peer review
Nico Peter Berhausen; Sof Thrane / Control and Coordination of Design-Driven Innovation Processes : Case Evidence from the Automotive Industry.
In: Journal of Management Accounting Research, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2018, p. 75-94
In: Journal of Management Accounting Research, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2018, p. 75-94
Journal article > peer review
Sof Thrane; Thomas Bautrup; Henrik Juul Nielsen / The Paradox of Trust : Managing Trust and Cost Disclosure in Alliances.
In: Managing Trust in Strategic Alliances. ed. /T. K. Das. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing 2018, p. 129-170 (Research in Strategic Alliances)
In: Managing Trust in Strategic Alliances. ed. /T. K. Das. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing 2018, p. 129-170 (Research in Strategic Alliances)
Book chapter
Sof Thrane; Lars Balslev / Institutional Contradictions and Change of Organisations and Accounting : Case Evidence from Greenland.
In: Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2017, p. 310-330
In: Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2017, p. 310-330
Journal article > peer review
Jawwad Raja; Thomas Frandsen; Sof Thrane; Martin Jarmatz / Value-based Pricing and Selling Capabilities for Industrial Services and Solutions
Paper presented at 32nd Annual IMP Conference, 2016
Paper presented at 32nd Annual IMP Conference, 2016
Paper > peer review
Kim Sundtoft Hald; Sof Thrane / Management Accounting and Supply Chain Strategy
Paper presented at 1st International Competitiveness Management Conference, 2015
Paper presented at 1st International Competitiveness Management Conference, 2015
Paper > peer review
Ulrik Christiansen; Sof Thrane; Torben Juul Andersen / The Evolving Forms of Risk Reporting Practices : A Longitudinal Content Analysis of Risk Communication Across Hierarchical Levels.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2015, 39 p.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2015, 39 p.
Working paper
Ulrik Christiansen; Sof Thrane / The Prose of Action : The Micro Dynamics of Reporting on Emerging Risks in Operational Risk Management .
In: Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2014, p. 427–443
In: Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2014, p. 427–443
Journal article > peer review
Lars Balslev; Sof Thrane; Ivar Friis / Value or Capacity Utilization : An Analysis of Two Competing Logics and Their Interpretation of How to Set (Transfer) Prices.
Paper presented at The 7th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control. PMMC 2013, 2013
Paper presented at The 7th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control. PMMC 2013, 2013
Paper > peer review
Nico Berhausen; Sof Thrane / Controlling, Separating and Converging Design and Product Development
Paper presented at The 35th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association. 2012, 2012
Paper presented at The 35th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association. 2012, 2012
Paper > peer review
Sof Thrane; Nico Berhausen / Making Greening Calculable : How Calculations Meet and Translate Uncertainty in Innovation Processes.
Paper presented at The 8th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, 2012
Paper presented at The 8th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, 2012
Paper > peer review
Jesper Lyng Jensen; Claus Due Ponsaing; Sof Thrane / Risk, Resources and Structures : Experimental Evidence of a New Cost of Risk Component – The Structural Risk Component and Implications for Enterprise Risk Management.
In: Risk Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2012, p. 152-175
In: Risk Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2012, p. 152-175
Journal article > peer review
Sof Thrane; Jan Mouritsen / Social Technology and Stability/Transformation of Alliance Networks
In: Management Dynamics in Strategic Alliances. ed. /T.K. Das. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing 2012, p. 237-266 (Research in Strategic Alliances)
In: Management Dynamics in Strategic Alliances. ed. /T.K. Das. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing 2012, p. 237-266 (Research in Strategic Alliances)
Book chapter > peer review
Kim Sundtoft Hald; Sof Thrane / Supply Chain Accounting : Its Functional and Relational Context.
In: Proceedings of the 4th World Conference of Production & Operations Management. ed. /Peter Dirk Van Donk ; René De Koster; Sander De Leeuw; Jan Fransoo; Jack Van der Veen. Brussels : EUROMA, European Operations Management Association 2012
In: Proceedings of the 4th World Conference of Production & Operations Management. ed. /Peter Dirk Van Donk ; René De Koster; Sander De Leeuw; Jan Fransoo; Jack Van der Veen. Brussels : EUROMA, European Operations Management Association 2012
Article in proceedings > peer review
Sof Thrane; Steen Blaabjerg; Rasmus Hannemann Møller / Innovative Path Dependence : Making Sense of Product and Service Innovation in Path Dependent Innovation Processes.
In: Research Policy, Vol. 39, No. 7, 2010, p. 932-944
In: Research Policy, Vol. 39, No. 7, 2010, p. 932-944
Journal article > peer review
Johnny Lind; Sof Thrane / Towards Accounting in Network Settings
In: Accounting in Networks. ed. /Håkan Håkansson; Kalle Kraus; Johnny Lind. Oxon : Routledge 2010, p. 60-79
In: Accounting in Networks. ed. /Håkan Håkansson; Kalle Kraus; Johnny Lind. Oxon : Routledge 2010, p. 60-79
Book chapter > peer review
Sof Thrane; Kim Sundtoft Hald / Supply Chain Accounting : En introduktion til supply chain accounting. Kender du dine supply chain omkostninger, og hvordan styrer du dem?.
In: DILF Orientering, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2009, p. 42-49
In: DILF Orientering, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2009, p. 42-49
Journal article
Sof Thrane / The complexity of management accounting change : Bifurcation and oscillation in schizophrenic inter-organisational systems.
In: Management Accounting Research, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2007, p. 248-272
In: Management Accounting Research, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2007, p. 248-272
Journal article > peer review
Jan Mouritsen; Sof Thrane / Accounting, network complementarities and the development of inter-organisational relations
In: Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2006, p. 241-275
In: Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2006, p. 241-275
Journal article > peer review
Sof Thrane; Kim Sundtoft Hald / The emergence of boundaries and accounting in supply fields : The dynamics of integration and fragmentation.
In: Management Accounting Research, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2006, p. 288-314
In: Management Accounting Research, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2006, p. 288-314
Journal article > peer review
Sof Thrane / Governance and self-organisation : The intersection between institutions, controls and politics in the healthcare sector.
Paper presented at The 4th International Conference on the Management of Healthcare and Medical Technology, 25-26 August, 2005, Aalborg, 2005
Paper presented at The 4th International Conference on the Management of Healthcare and Medical Technology, 25-26 August, 2005, Aalborg, 2005
Sten Jönsson; Jan Mouritsen; Johnny Lind; Sof Thrane / Network accounting
In: Accounting in Scandinavia 2005, p. 115-137
In: Accounting in Scandinavia 2005, p. 115-137
Book chapter
Sof Thrane / The Social and Economic Dynamics of Networks : A Weberian Analysis of Three Formalised Horizontal Networks.
København : Samfundslitteratur 2004, 294 p. (Ph.D.serie, No. 2004-16)
København : Samfundslitteratur 2004, 294 p. (Ph.D.serie, No. 2004-16)
PhD thesis
Sof Thrane; Jan Mouritsen; Mette Rosenkrands Johansen / Networks, Intellectual Capital and the Management of Knowledge : Performing the "New Economy".
In: Operations Management and the New Economy. vol 2: Proceedings of the 9th International EurOMA conference, Copenhagen 2-4 june 2002. . ed. /John K. Christiansen; Harry Boer. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2002, p. 1453-1463
In: Operations Management and the New Economy. vol 2: Proceedings of the 9th International EurOMA conference, Copenhagen 2-4 june 2002. . ed. /John K. Christiansen; Harry Boer. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2002, p. 1453-1463
Article in proceedings
More results... (total 31 results)
Sof Thrane; Michael Zwicky Hauschild; Steffen Petersen; Jan Ellebye / Grøn løsning for eksisterende ejendomme
In: Børsen, 27.6.2023, p. 30-31
In: Børsen, 27.6.2023, p. 30-31
Contribution to newspaper - Feature article
Sof Thrane; Jesper Lyng Jensen / Ledelse vs leadership
In:, 13.5.2008
In:, 13.5.2008
Journal article
Sof Thrane / Management Control & Finance. Bind 1 : CM-MIB / MI50.
Vol. 1, Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2007
Vol. 1, Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2007
Compendium/lecture notes
Sof Thrane / Management Control & Finance. Bind 2 : CM-MIB / MI50.
Vol. 2, Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2007
Vol. 2, Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2007
Compendium/lecture notes
Bliver dynamiske priser den nye normal, når vi skal handle koncertbilletter på nettet?
10/09/2024 // Bø // Emilie Lindahl-Jessen
Grøn løsning for eksisterende ejendomme
27/06/2023 // Børsen // Sof Thrane, professor (MSO), ph.d., Academic Director of MBD, CBS ; Michael Swicky Hauschild, professor, ph.d., Dep. Of Env. And Resource Engineering, DTU ; Steffen Petersen, professor, ph.d., Institut for Byggeri og Bygningsdesign, AU ; Jan Ellebye, underdirektør, EjendomDanmark
Favoritkunde? 50 kr. i gebyr
29/03/2023 // Tænk // Morten Steiniche
Target costing, pricing control og måltalsstyring
01/03/2023 // Dansk Veterinærtidsskrift, nr. 3 // Katrine Abildgaard Sørensen og Lene Boysen
Omkostninger, kunde- og produktprofitabilitet og investering
01/02/2023 // Dansk Veterinærtidsskrift, nr. 2 // Freja Krogh og Lene Boysen
Virksomhedsstrategi, prissætning og værdiansættelse
01/01/2023 // Dansk Veterinærtidsskrift, nr. 1 // Katrine Abildgaard Sørensen og Lene Boysen
Inflation kaster topchefer ud i ny virkelighed
23/05/2022 // Børsen // Thomas Hvelplund Askjær og Leonora Beck
Brobygning mellem naturvidenskab og business
11/04/2022 // Pharma // Christian K. Thorsted
Dyrlæger kan blive bedre til at tjene penge
28/02/2022 // Dyrlægen
Ny CBS-master ruster branchen til fremtiden
24/11/2021 // Ejendom // Stine Rud Skov
New CBS minor equips students to handle current and future real-estate challenges
28/09/2021 // // Anne Thora Lykkegaard
Ny CBS-master ruster ejendomsbranchen til fremtiden
25/09/2021 //
Ny master vil klæde sektor på
15/09/2021 // Børsen // Trine Marie Vestergaard
Ny CBS-master fuldender branchens uddannelsesraket
15/09/2021 // // Stine Rud Skov
Virksomhederne mangler råvarer og kæmper med store prisstigninger : galopperende stålpriser
18/06/2021 // Jyllands-Posten // Bo Nielsen
Markant stigende stålpriser bekymrer virksomheder
17/06/2021 // (resume)
Kriser aktualiserer din forretningsudvikling
10/10/2020 // En foranderlig verden kræver ny viden. Annoncetillæg til Politiken // Jakob Rohde-Brøndum & Anne Kathrine Gottfred Jensen
Eksperter: Millionindkøb af eksterne vikarer giver ikke mening
15/05/2019 // // Flemming Lund
More results... (total 18 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities
No outside activities to report