
Institut for Produktion og Erhvervsøkonomi

Professor MSO

Kontor: SOL/B5.09

Sof Thranes research is focused on how interfirm relationships and innovation network develop and change, with a focus on how management accounting is used to affect and develop relationships and organisation networks. This research interest has lead to a focus on how things are made calculable, and how management control systems develop and the paradoxical ways in which managerial technologies may shape organisational life. Emerging research interests include control and risk management and control systems in corporate greening. Sof Thrane has published in journals such as Accounting Organization and Society, Research Policy, and Management Accounting Research.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Management accounting
  • Supplychain management
  • Innovation management
Link til denne hjemmeside
  • Governance, contracts and control. CM BBIP.
  • IStyring af økonomi og incitamenter, MPG
  • Ph. D and Master thesis supervision. Assistant professorship supervisor (pedagogical supervision).
Andre undervisningsaktiviteter
  • Part of academic development.
  • Pedagogical courses.
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Sof Thrane; Lars Balslev; Ivar Friis / The Embedded Construction of Price Fairness Evaluations : A Case Study of Air Greenland.
I: Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol. 37, Nr. 1, 2024, s. 150-175
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Wiktoria Salwa; Sof Thrane / The Co-Evolution of Digital, Commercial, and Transformational Practices : Unfolding the Digital....
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2023, 1 s., s. 2277 (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings > peer review
Lars Balslev; Sof Thrane; Ivar Friis / Information Technology Systems Implementation and Processes of Integration and Disintegration : Case Study Evidence from Air Greenland.
I: Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Vol. 18, Nr. 3, 2022, s. 419-439
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jan Mouritsen; Isabel Pedraza-Acosta; Sof Thrane / Performance, Risk, and Overflows : When Are Multiple Management Control Practices Related?.
I: Management Accounting Research, Vol. 55, 6.2022
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Ivar Friis; Kim Sundtoft Hald; Sof Thrane / Challenges in Accounting for Cost Based Outsourcing : Evidence from a Manufacturing Firm.
Paper presented at The 28th International Annual EurOMA Conference 2021, 2021
Paper > peer review
Martin Jarmatz; Sof Thrane; Giulio Zichella / Kontrol af prisfastsættelsen via udvikling af prispolitikker
I: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 89, Nr. 1, 2020, s. 52-57
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Sof Thrane; Martin Jarmatz; Michael Fetahi Laursen; Katrine Kornmaaler / A Practice-based Approach to Collective Decision-making in Pricing
I: Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Vol. 16, Nr. 1, 2019, s. 117-143
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Sof Thrane; Martin Jarmatz / Pricing management : Information, koordination og kontrol.
I: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 88, Nr. 4, 4.2019, s. 36-47
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Nico Peter Berhausen; Sof Thrane / Control and Coordination of Design-Driven Innovation Processes : Case Evidence from the Automotive Industry.
I: Journal of Management Accounting Research, Vol. 30, Nr. 3, 2018, s. 75-94
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Sof Thrane; Thomas Bautrup; Henrik Juul Nielsen / The Paradox of Trust : Managing Trust and Cost Disclosure in Alliances.
I: Managing Trust in Strategic Alliances. red. /T. K. Das. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing 2018, s. 129-170 (Research in Strategic Alliances)
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