Center for Financial Frictions

Public Outreach

FRIC researchers occasionally gave lectures to more general audiences. Examples of public outreach are given below.

FRIC Public Outreach

Here you can find FRIC's participation in public outreach such as videos from conference presentations, public lectures and podcast participation.

You can also find 4 videos in Danish where Center Leader David Lando explains key concepts such as Frictions or Liquidity.


Podcast: Genhør ESG Rating med Andreas Brøgger (in Danish)

In July 2022, Andreas Brøgger participated in the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge).

The podcast episode is in Danish:
I denne episode fortæller Andreas Brøgger, hvordan sofistikerede investorer kan opnå højere afkast ved at forudsige ændringer i aktiers ESG-ratings. Lyt til podcast episoden her.

Podcast: Vi har ikke et problem med at genskabe faktorstudier! Med Theis Ingerslev Jensen (in Danish)

In November 2021, Theis Ingerslev Jensen participated in the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge).

The podcast episode is in Danish:
I denne episode fortæller Theis Ingerslev Jensen om, hvorfor vi ikke har en replikationskrise i finans og specielt ikke i faktorstudier. Lyt til podcast episoden her.

Podcast: Meme-aktier med Lasse Heje Pedersen (in Danish)

In September 2021, Lasse Heje Pedersen participated in the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge).

The podcast episode is in Danish:
I denne episode fortæller Lasse Heje Pedersen om meme-aktier, og hvordan sociale medier påvirker de finansielle markeder. Lyt til podcast episoden her.

Podcast: Mortages and Interest Rates with Fabrice Tourre

In August 2021, Fabrice Tourre participated in the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge).

In this episode, Fabrice Tourre talks about mortgage prepayments and how the effects of monetary policy depends on the previous development of interest rates. Listen to the podcast here.

Podcast: Er high yield-obligationer billige? Med Peter Feldhütter (in Danish)

In May 2021, Peter Feldhütter participated in the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge).

The podcast episode is in Danish:
I denne episode taler Peter Feldhüter om virksomhedsobligationer, rentespænd, konkursrisiko, The Credit Spread Puzzle og Black-Cox modellen. Lyt til podcast episoden her.

Podcast: Momentum med Peter Norman Sørensen (in Danish)

In April 2021, Peter Norman Sørensen participated in the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge).

The podcast episode is in Danish:
I denne episode taler Peter Norman Sørensen om momentum investering, underreaktion på nyheder, mean reversion og risikoaversion. Lyt til podcast episoden her.

Podcast: Bankers kapitalomkostninger med Jens Dick-Nielsen (in Danish)

In April 2021, Jens Dick-Nielsen participated in the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge).

The podcast episode is in Danish:
I denne episode taler Jens Dick-Nielsen om bankernes kapitalomkostninger, hvordan de beregnes, om de er blevet påvirket af strengere kapitalkrav, WACC, Miller og Modigliani, og hvordan aktieanalytikernes estimater kan bruges til at forudsige aktieafkast. Lyt til podcast episoden her.

Podcast: Forudse finansielle kriser med Jakob Ahm Sørensen (in Danish)

In February 2021, Jakob Ahm Sørensen participated in the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge).

The podcast episode is in Danish:
I denne episode graver Jakob Ahm Sørensen ned i spåkuglen og fortæller, hvordan man forudsiger finansielle kriser. Lyt til podcast episoden her.

Podcast: Forudse ESG-ratings med Andreas Brøgger (in Danish)

In December 2020, Andreas Brøgger participated in the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge). 

The podcast episode is in Danish: 
I denne episode taler Andreas Brøgger om, hvordan sofistikerede investorer kan opnå højere afkast ved at forudsige ændringer i aktiers ESG-ratings. Lyt til podcast episoden her.


Podcast: Finanstilsynet med David Lando (in Danish)

In September 2020, David Lando participated in the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge).

The podcast episode is in Danish:
I denne episode taler David Lando om Finanstilsynet, dets organisering, fordelene ved en bred tilsynsmodel og Danske Banks hvidvasksag. Lyt til podcast episoden her.

Video: Jens Dick-Nielsen on Corporate Bond Liquidity at MIT conference 2016

In September 2016, Jens Dick-Nielsen presented his paper The Cost of Immediacy for Corporate Bonds at the MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy 3rd Annual Conference –  you can now see the paper presentation in the video here:

Paper Session 2: Regulatory Changes and Their Consequences

Jens Dick-Nielsen’s presentation starts at 16:57 and he is on again in the general discussion starting 1:09:00.

Video: Christian Wagner on “What are low risk anomalies ?”, 2015
This video was created for the Vox views section of the CEPR’s policy portal, see the video here: Interview with Christian Wagner on “What are low risk anomalies ?”. (December 21, 2015)
Video: Jens Dick-Nielsen on The Liquidity of Danish Mortgage Bonds, 2015

See the video where Jens Dick-Nielsen explains his research project The Liquidity of Danish Mortgage Bonds. The video was created in 2015 in connection with the CBS publication: 'Samfundsrelevant forskning', it is in Danish, subtitled in English.

Video: David Lando on 'frictions' (in Danish)

Video created in connection with the Science in the City Festival 2014

Video: David Lando on 'American call options' (in Danish)

Video created in connection with the Science in the City Festival 2014

Video: David Lando on 'liquidity' (in Danish)

Video created in connection with the Science in the City Festival 2014

Video: David Lando on 'capital demands for banks' (in Danish)

Video created in connection with the Science in the City Festival 2014

FRIC at the Science in the City Festival 2014

FRIC Tapestry welcome

FRIC participated in the Science in the City Festival from June 22-26, 2014.

The Science in the City Festival was a free festival for the general public. At the festival, we displayed our impressive 20 meters long FRIC Tapestry, we invited participants to pass by the FRIC Lounge and Center Leader David Lando gave a talk on why regulation cannot curtail crises.

The FRIC Tapestry is a 20 meters long account (in Danish) of the financial crisis from 2008-2013. The tapestry shows a timeline of the crisis and explains 6 key concepts that help to understand the mechanics of a financial crisis. You can have a look at the tapestry in the online version here at and learn more about the evolution of the crisis from the beginning and till today or you can pass by the canteen at CBS Solbjerg Plads where you can see the long tapestry hanging in all its splendor.

On Saturday, June 21, David Lando gave a talk on why regulation cannot curtail crises. In his talk David Lando shed light on how the financial world always have sought to steer clear of regulation in creative ways, and how the seemingly best solution for one crisis became the foundation for the next. Download David Lando's slides here: David Lando_Regulering

In the FRIC Lounge, the focus was on the key concepts of a financial crisis. Here you could find posters on 4 subjects and listen to 4 videos (in Danish) where David Lando talks about frictions, American call options, liquidity and more.

Find pictures from the Science in the City Festival here

David Lando participates in debate night at Videnskabernes Selskab

On December 2, 2013, Prof. David Lando participated in a public lecture/debate night with two other economists at Videnskabernes Selskab.

See the video where David Lando explains to a general audience the notion of Leverage and Bank Runs (video from 0:00:48, only available in Danish).


The page was last edited by: Center for Financial Frictions // 02/22/2023

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Center for Financial Frictions (FRIC)
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg