Proposal for a reduction in student places is approved

CBS Board of Directors has at it's meeting 2 December approved Senior Management’s adjusted proposal and response to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science about a reduction in the number of student places at Frederiksberg.


Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy
Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

All Danish universities have been called upon to reduce admissions in the larger cities by up to 10 percent by 2030 as part of the the political agreement on increasing and improving opportunities for education across Denmark. Following an internal consultation Senior Management at CBS has presented an adjusted proposal for the implementation of student place reductions at Frederiksberg.

At its meeting 2 December the Board decided to approve the adjusted proposal. The proposal does not change the strategic direction for CBS which was adopted by the CBS’ strategy in 2020.

You can read Senior Management’s adjusted proposal for a reduction in student places here

CBS’ adjusted proposal for a reduction in student places will become part of an overall institutional plan for CBS which also includes initial thoughts on CBS-study places outside Frederiksberg. The institutional plan is to be negotiated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

CBS is part of an overall sectoral plan for all eight universities in Denmark that will be discussed and finally decided by the parties behind the political agreement in the spring.

At the meeting the Board was informed about CBS’ ideas on establishing educational activities outside Frederiksberg, and the Board looks forward to following the ongoing work on this matter.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/11/2023