Get ready for the 1 April deadline for applicants with a Danish bachelor degree

1 April, 12.00 noon is the deadline for applicants with a Danish bachelor degree. To help you get your application ready and to answer some of your questions up front, the article below holds the answers to the most frequent questions.


Can I apply?

Only applicants with a bachelor degree issued by a Danish university/institution can apply for admission. Be aware that the deadline is at 12.00 noon Danish time. The deadline is firm and not subject to waivers or extensions. If you are late, you will not be able to apply for admission in 2014.

What kind of documentation should I upload?

As a rule of thumb you should always upload your electives (e.g. as a transcript); if they are not taken at CBS, you should consider uploading course descriptions. It is a good idea to upload a full grade transcript, even though it is not always necessary.

You can find more information about what kind of documentation CBS needs to assess your application on You should especially pay attention to the “Documentation for specific entry requirements and/or selection criteria”.

You documents should not be more than 5 MB each.

I can’t find my programme of choice on the list of graduate programmes in Admission Flow?

If you apply for the MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc), you should be aware that the MSc in Economics and Business Administration has 14 concentrations (FIR, FIN, AEF, IBS, FSM, BCM; IMM, EMF, HRM, MIB, SOL, SCM, ASC, SMC), which is visible when you choose “Concentration” in Admission Flow.

So, under “Programme” you choose “MSc in Economics and Business Administration || cand.merc.” and then choose your “Concentration”, e.g. FSM – Finance and Strategic Management.

Why can’t I find my bachelor degree listed, when I am filling in the application form online?

The bachelor degrees listed under "I have a bachelor degree from another Danish university" under the "Educational Background" step in Admission Flow are the most common Danish bachelor degrees within business administration and business language. If your exact bachelor degree is not on the list, you must choose the option ”I have another Danish degree” instead.

When will I receive a response to my application?

You can expect to receive an answer in Admission Flow by 15 June; an e-mail will be sent to you when the answer is ready.

I can’t log in to my application – who can help me?

Please contact the IT Support – you can find the contact information here:

If you have further questions

Check out the FAQ as well as; your questions will most likely be answered here.

Otherwise please submit your application and write CBS Admissions Office a note in your application. You will get an answer as soon as possible. We try to answer your notes within a week, but please be patient.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017