PhD defence: Michelle Antero
This study begins with a historical study of enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) business practices. It then presents multiple case studies of an ERP vendor, its partners and rivals to illustrate how business practices are established and how an ERP Vendor subsequently adapts a new business practices in order to compete in a hypercompetitive environment.
Professor Niels Bjørn-Andersen
Department of IT Management
Copenhagen Business School
Secondary supervisor:
Professor Suprateek Sarker
Department of IT Management
Copenhagen Business School
Assessment Committee:
Associate Professor Matthias Trier (Chair)
Department of IT Management
Copenhagen Business School
Professor Lynne Markus
Information and Process Management
Bently College
Professor Peter Axel Nielsen
Department of Computer Science
Aalborg University
The thesis will be available from
The Doctoral School of LIMAC will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence in “Atrium” (outside Ks43).