
Department of Organization

  • Center for Organizational Research on Impact (CORI)

Room: KIL/14.A-4.43A
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Publications sorted by:
Ali Aslan Gümüsay; Renate Meyer; Markus A. Höllerer / Committed Actors, Institutional Complexity, and Pathways to Compromise : The Emergence of Islamic Banking in Germany.
In: Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 62, No. 1, 1.2025, p. 408-445
Journal article > peer review
Bruno Deffains; Xavier Dieux; Laurence Dors; Rodolphe Durand; Martin Fischer; Daniel Hurstel; Jukka Mähönen; Colin Mayer; Renate Meyer; Anne-Christin Mittwoch; Guido Palazzo; Markus Scholz; Beate Sjåfjell; Jaap W. Winter; Rupert Younger / A European Corporate Governance Model : Integrating Corporate Purpose Into Practice for a Better Society.
: SSRN: Social Science Research Network 2024, 24 p. (Nordic and European Company Law: LSN Research Paper Series, No. 24-02)
Working paper
Renate E. Meyer; Stephan Leixnering; Martin Kornberger; Dennis Jancsary; Markus A. Höllerer / Ernst Cassirer and the Symbolic Foundation of Institutions
In: Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 61, No. 8, 12.2024, p. 3824-3842
Journal article > peer review
Kasper Trolle Elmholdt; Jeppe Agger Nielsen; Arild Wæraas; Renate Meyer / It Takes a Village : Translating Management Ideas through an Ecology of Roles.
In: Journal of Management Studies, 20.10.2024
Journal article > peer review
Daniel Muzio; Elena Dalpiaz; Dennis Jancsary; Christine Moser; Stephan Leixnering; Markus Höllerer; Nelson Phillips; Martin Kornberger; Renate Meyer / Organizations, Institutions, and Symbols : Introduction to a Point-counterpoint Conversation.
In: Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 61, No. 8, 12.2024, p. 3786-3792
Journal article > peer review
Olivia Brown; Robert M. Davison; Stephanie Decker; David A. Ellis; James Faulconbridge; Julie Gore; Michelle Greenwood; Gazi Islam; Christina Lubinski; Niall G. MacKenzie; Renate Meyer; Daniel Muzio; Paolo Quattrone; M. N. Ravishankar; Tammar Zilber; Shuang Ren; Riikka M. Sarala; Paul Hibbert / Theory-Driven Perspectives on Generative Artificial Intelligence in Business and Management
In: British Journal of Management, Vol. 35, No. 1, 1.2024, p. 3-23
Journal article > peer review
Theo van Leeuwen; Renate E. Meyer / Afterword
In: Organizational Semiotics: Multimodal Perspectives on Organization Studies. . ed. /Louise Ravelli; Theo van Leeuwen; Markus A. Höllerer; Dennis Jancsary. New York : Routledge 2023, p. 231-239 (Routledge Studies in Multimodality)
Paul S. Adler; Amr Adly; Daniel Erian Armanios; Julie Battilana; Zlatko Bodrožić; Stewart Clegg; Gerald F. Davis; Claudine Gartenberg; Mary Ann Glynn; Ali Aslan Gümüsay; Heather A. Haveman; Paul Leonardi; Michael Lounsbury; Anita McGahan; Renate Meyer; Nelson Phillips; Kara Sheppard-Jones / Authoritarianism, Populism, and the Global Retreat of Democracy : A Curated Discussion.
In: Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol. 32, No. 1, 1.2023, p. 3-20
Journal article > peer review
Dennis Jancsary; Renate Meyer; Markus A. Höllerer / Der institutionelle Rahmen der Organisation
In: Personalmanagement - Führung - Organisation . ed. /Wolfgang Mayrhofer; Gerhard Furtmüller; Helmut Kasper. Wien : Linde Verlag Wien 2023, p. 11-36
Book chapter > peer review
Renate E. Meyer; Paolo Quattrone / Editorial: Reflections on Organizing in/for Peace and War Times
In: Organization Studies, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2023, 2 p., p. 299-300
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