First 2016-2017 meeting of CBS's Market and Valuation Cluster


Thursday November 3rd will be the first 2016-2017 meeting of the Private Public Platform’s Markets and Valuation Cluster.

This meeting will have two activities.  From 1 to 2.15, Hanna Borgblad, PhD candidate in Marketing, University of Gothenburg and currently Visiting PhD at IOA, Copenhagen Business School, will discuss her paper “Valuations of urban art”. From 2.30 to 3.45, it will be a reading group to discuss Ch. 2 “The Word: Economy” of Keith Tribe’s book The Economy of The Word (2015, OUP).

The term urban art commonly defines the commissioned, commercial and commodified artworks that are produced by graffiti and street artists. Although there is a traditional understanding of graffiti and street art as non-commissioned, non-commercial, site-specific and illegal, and cannot be produced or consumed as commodities, the markets of urban art are nevertheless growing. International art fairs, galleries and auction houses are increasingly recognizing the so-called urban artists. The marketization of street art and graffiti deals with many of the issues regarding the traditional art vs. business dichotomy: authenticity, valuations and artistic integrity. But it also introduces other peculiarities, such as arts vs. vandalism. In this seminar, I would like to discuss issues related to urban art valuations. This regards not only the practices of pricing artworks, but also issues such as how artworks are qualified as urban art in art markets. The distributed paper is a shorted version of my PhD thesis in progress, titled “Urban art markets in the making: a study on the market practices of street art and graffiti”.

The seminar will take place on Thursday November 3rd, 13:00-16:00, Copenhagen Business School, Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4, 2000 Frederiksberg. Room: Kilen, K4.49. The seminar is free and open for participation. It is expected that participants have read the circulated material. To attend, please write to

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