Externally funded projects

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Acronymsort ascendingTitleTypeStatusStart
iPRODUCEA Social Manufacturing Framework for Streamlined Multi-stakeholder Open Innovation Missions in Consumer Goods SectorsEU Finished21-02-2019
iBeautyIntercultural Personas of Beauty & ValuesPrivate (International)Finished01-05-2021
WENDYMulticriteria analysis of the technical, environmental and social factors triggering the PIMBY principle for Wind technologiesEU Running01-10-2022
VISIONARYFood Provision through Sustainable Farming Systems and Value ChainsEU Running01-04-2022
VCOMPGenerating Voluntary Compliance Across Doctrines and Nations: Interlocking the Behavioral and Regulatory Aspects of Governments’ Ability to Trust Public' Cooperation, Ethicality and ComplianceEU Running01-11-2022
TealHelixBuilding Resilience Through Inclusive and Personalized Food LabelingEU Running01-09-2024
TREEADS (former DRYADS)A Holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental DisastersEU Running01-12-2021
SENSOPAD Sensing ENdometriosiS On Portable Auxiliary DevicesEU Running01-09-2024
SECreTourSustainable, Engaging and CREative Tourism as a driver for a better future in rural and remote areasEU Running01-03-2024
ROSETTAReducing food waste due to marketing standards through alternative market accessEU Running01-01-2024
PreCare Phase II Person-centric Health Innovation: New Service Models for Preventive Care Delivery to Elderly and Citizens with Chronical Conditions or at Risk of Getting Chronical ConditionsPublic (National)Finished01-01-2020
PIPSPower and Inequality in global Production SystemsPublic (National)Finished01-07-2020
PINPlatform Intelligence in NewsPublic (National)Finished01-10-2020
PACSMACThe paradoxes of climate-smart coffeePublic (National)Running01-01-2021
P2GreenClosing the gap between fork and farm for circular nutrient flowsEU Running01-12-2022
N2N 2018North2North 2018Public (International)Running15-02-2018
MYCOFLAVORBioflavoring brewer’s spent grain by edible mushroom mycelium in solid-state fermentationsPublic (National)Running01-02-2024
INCULTUMVisiting the Margins. INnovative CULtural ToUrisM in European peripheriesEU Finished01-05-2021
HUMACPrivate-Sector Engagement in Humanitarian ActionPrivate (National)Running01-01-2021
HOTSPOT 2HOTSPOT of multiple stressors: Research-based management in the Gulf of GuineaPublic (National)Finished01-01-2021
HECAT Disruptive Technologies Supporting Labour Market Decision MakingEU Finished01-02-2020
EURIDICEEURopean Inclusive education for Digital society, social Innovation and global CitizEnshipEU Running01-01-2024
DIGIBASEImagining Digital Power and the Power of Digital Imagination in Business and Society EncountersPublic (National)Running01-08-2021
DALOSSData loss: the politics of disappearance, destruction and dispossession in digital societiesEU Running01-04-2023
CircOpCircular Construction PlatformsPrivate (National)Finished01-01-2022
CREATECircular Economy in Bangladesh’s Apparel IndustryPublic (National)Running01-10-2022
CF FutureUnlocking the full potential of conservation finance Private (National)Finished01-07-2022
BIZPOLBusiness as political actor – evolving practice, emerging norms and shifting expectations for a pivotal determinant of public trust in both business and democracyEU Running12-09-2018
Arctic Academy for SustainabilityArctic Academy for Sustainability: Creating Environmentally and Social Responsible Sustainable Energy and Ressource Development in the ArcticPrivate (International)Running01-01-2022
AURORAAurora 2030EU Running01-11-2023
